More consistency for when it actually works. How do you even adjust settings?
Sometimes a pdf goes to this app, sometimes they just download. If this app is going to work, it needs consistency or a way to adjust the settings, so we determine if we want or need this app. Without search working efficiently and since it needs to download to print, all this app does so far is create an extra step for the inevitable. It slows work down. Cuts into my time and is not needed or wanted without an overhaul. And when I say that, please don't do something like when windows XP changed to windows 7. Please don't go backward, step it up or get rid of it, either way, stop wasting my time with it how it is today. Either adjust what is wrong, especially after this many people have pointed out these issues, or get rid of the program in total. Just being asked to reiterate the issues without them being addressed is a waste of my time and my peace.