I would like to have the trial without having to give debit or credit card information. I am enjoying the adobe in the bro somewhat.
I would like to be able to search more in depth with a pdf. When I am searching through a pdf I want to be able to get the results I am searching for that are in the file. I have to search through four hundred plus pages to get what doesn't return in search. For example if I search for a name in the file (which I know is there) 0 of 0 results are returned. I basically have to narrow search to a date or keyword that I remember from a particular area in the file or I have to recall a specific phrase from the area in the file. I can also try to check where the exhibits are located and determine the description of the exhibit. Then research based on a keyword or combination of letters and symbols. It will return search results often with this solution. If the information isn't from the exhibits, then I will have to scan through documents on my own. This particular file is password protected. I also had trouble with taking a screenshot in another open access file. Acrobat in Microsoft Edge has been an instrumental tool in the success of me researching for a certain project.