997 results found
App not working properly
The app do not support PDF files downloaded from email
5 votes -
Bug: Any FI/FL letters disappears in reading mode
Firstly appears as rstly
1st line in the white screenshot fiction appear as ction
7th line in the night screenshot flakes appers as akesonly happens in reading mode, the letters look normal any other mode.
OS: Android 7.0
Adobe acrobat 17.3. 1.176958
PDF file. Ready player one by Ernest cline16 votes -
Visible Clock
It would be helpful to have a visible clock (either the option to have the clock in the notification bar visible, or a floating clock at top or bottom of screen).
4 votes -
Arabic language support
The text reverse when I copy an Arabic text. Because Arabic is written from right to left.
27 votes -
doesn't let me display full boarding pass bar code on smartphone
A fix to remove toolbars so boarding pass codes are not blocked
3 votes -
Bump Multiple Documents in your Backlog
You have a lot of requests under different titles for viewing multiple dicuments and switching quickly between them. It's time to bump this idea ti the front of your feature backlog. This should be easy to do if the application has a good oop design ;) I'm sure it does, so no excuses!
6 votes -
Fit screen when scrolling
As I scroll a PDF book, my up/down motion is not the only one. I zoom the page so that the text fills the screen and as I scroll, I must constantly recenter the page because you Neanderthals don't realize how a book is read. Why can't the screen lock to the text so that when I move up and down a text it doesn't also slide side to side? I always have to recenter. You ******* retards all probably use other reader apps that don't have this porblem because I'm sure it would have driven you nuts by now.
26 votes -
10 votes
PDF produced by MS-Publisher
Publisher 2016 pdfs using text glow effect do not appear correctly. Glow colour is wrong and transparency not present. Other readers seem to show them as intended...
11 votes -
Supporting Codec for Ultra Power Saving Mode for Samsung Galaxy Devices
There should be supporting codec for ultra power saving mode of samsung galaxy devices not only samsung but all the other phones in which we can not use adobe app in power saving modes because at some important times we need to get information for a particular situation like in case of medical emergencies but at that point carrying such a heavy medical books will be like a drag where as its pdf simple n easy to access but if we can't use it ultra power saving mode then it will be very grave problem and apart from it unnecessary…
12 votes -
mobile screen shoukd be ever lighten during study
Mobile screen light should be always on during studing any document
13 votes -
Cannot open multiple instances of Acrobat Reader for Android at once on my tablet. Need to switch between documents quickly.
Cannot open multiple instances of Acrobat Reader for Android at once on my tablet. Need to switch between documents quickly.
15 votes -
Need menu option for automatically scrolling documents.
Apparently it is possible to initiate automatic scrolling in A. REGARDS. using hot key Ctrl-Shift-H, but what about when no keyboard is present? Need a menu option to provide autoscroll functions, start stop or vary speed.
15 votes -
document properties/metadata
It would be nice to make this more functional by allowing us to see document properties, e.g., number of pages, how created, etc. Very used to this from Linux tools, and thought an Adobe tool would be as capable.
23 votes -
[Bug] Having omSymbol as a glyph in my font breaks the font only in Adobe Reader in Mobile (iPhone & Android)
I have a font from a typhographer designer,
The font includes several features such as tnum, etc.. and multilingual glyphs.
After testing the font in couple of programs. Some customers sent us a bug in Adobe Reader for mobile.
This bug shows some glyphs as "unidentified" while they actually exists - a picture is attached.
After working with the designer we found out that the reason for that is due to having the symbol "omSymbol" (which is the Yoga symbol).
We removed it and it fixed the problem (attached an image).
So - what comes out is that Adobe Reader…
5 votes -
Viewing PDF files on Smart TV
There should a PDF viewer available for Smart TV's also.
I don't find Adobe has one already.37 votes -
Date Display Problem on Android (Verizon).
In DC "dddd" spells day of week. On Galaxy S8 it displays the numerical day of week. I am using a custom date, dddd mmmm d, yyyy
6 votes -
I want crochet patterns in English
I keep getting crochet patterns in foreign language I need Them in English
9 votes -
Your Branch link is ready for new users! Test it: http://aldac911.app.link/M3oWccFc3G
5 votes -
Acrobat for Android randomly deletes files
I'll be reading a PDF and then close out the app. Every so often, it deletes the file I was reading for no reason! There's no rhyme or reason to when, as I don't do anything different when it does or doesn't delete files. Please fix this horrible bug!
8 votes
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