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Acrobat Reader for Android

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Acrobat Reader for Android



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1001 results found

  1. On the mobile app, the AI assistant button takes up an inordinately large amount of space on the screen and cannot be disabled, even though I do not and will never use it.

    Please add an option to remove it.

    89 votes
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  2. 48 votes
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  3. PDF file not opening from another app after selecting Adobe Acrobat Reader from Android app selection menu.
    Instead an add for subscription just pops out.

    42 votes
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  4. Disable Acrobat Reader generative AI features and Remove the button icon from view.

    46 votes
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  5. As the title itself, it allows the reader to customize the background color and text color. For example, color options can be black, midnight blue, dark brown, beige, powder blue, and white. This way, users can customize how the liquid mode looks aside from the current settings we have.

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  6. Language recognition is a must to convert PDF document to word

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  7. Liquid mode should be off by default.

    On some documents it's helpful and some it is not. It also takes additional time to load as it first loads the pdf then it converts it to liquid mode and 7 times out of 10 I have to switch liquid mode off to see the document clearly. If it was off by default the load time would be quicker and I could see the document and decide if liquid mode might be helpful and then choose to switch it on.

    It's a cool feature, just implemented poorly.

    24 votes
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  8. From sunrise to sunset -daylight mode

    From sunset to sunrise -Night mode

    22 votes
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    11 votes
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  10. As a digital marketing agency, heavily relies on Adobe Acrobat for creating and sharing polished marketing materials. However, we've encountered challenges with the current editing tools and a recurring issue where comments disappear after saving, which disrupts our workflow. Enhancing Acrobat’s text formatting and alignment features, along with fixing this bug, would greatly benefit our efficiency and help us deliver top-notch services to our clients. These improvements would make Acrobat even more invaluable for agencies like ours, who need to maintain professionalism and precision in every document.

    9 votes
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  11. The feature allows users to create file folders, where they can easily access related files as they have saved them.

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  12. Dyslexia is a well documented issue for lots of people.

    It turns out that pastel colours for the paper/background can ease the dyslexia and make reading easier.

    Different people find different colours to achieve this.

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  13. I don't want your AI assistant and when I disable it because it is intrusive and irrelevant, the last thing I want is a reminder every time I open a PDF file that it's turned off.

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  14. Set specific percentage for zoom instead of given percentages (25%, 50%, 75%, etc.)

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  15. Unable to find the Keep Screen On option while viewing any PDF, which was easily accessible on my previous devices (Samsung S10 and iPhone 13). I'm currently running the Samsung S9+ Tab.

    It's extremely frustrating to keep tapping the screen after every few seconds when the screen dims. Please add/update/figure out whatever's got this option disabled.


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  16. Auto fill ai

    3 votes
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  17. I want to suggest that Acrobat Reader should have an another option in viewing settings which is the "Music Sheet mode" or something like that because almost all of musicians (including me) are frequently using this app for reading PDF music sheets. Inside the feature based on my idea was the navigational buttons placed at the bottom of the screen (e.g., right/left, autoscroll, jump to, etc.).

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  18. White texto Black background
    For better trading

    7 votes
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  19. Wenn ich auf dem Smartphone eine PDF mit der KI öffne funktioniert der KI chat, aber sobald ich die PDF abspeichere funktioniert der KI chat nicht mehr. Er lädt ewig und es kommt nach 10 Minuten eine Fehlermeldung, dass ich es nochmal versuchen soll. Bitte beheben. MfG

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  20. que me permita pegar sticker dentro de un pdf que no quiero modificar que solo estoy resaltando , y que me permita agregar sticker que me llamen la atencion cuando lo abra, ejemplo estoy leyendo un pdf de mil hojas, y quiero agergar postit estilo marcadores que sobre salgan de las hojas se podria agregar una solapa a la derecha o izquiera o ambas donde esten estos "colores" postit que cuando ingrese en la hoja tenga algun dibujo que llame mi atencion ejemplo: !! "corazon" osea signos de admiracion o pregunta y dibujos como corazon o asteriscos. espero puedan sumarlo…

    5 votes
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