Displaying of images in PDFs generated via JasperReports/iText doesn’t work (on Android only)
We’re generating PDF Reports via JasperReports Framework, which uses iText 2.1.7 for PDF generation. The PDFs include images.
It works fine for many years.
But recently we faced a problem with Adobe Reader on Android Tablets: instead of the integrated Images a ..red rectangle will be shows as!
We noticed the problem for the first time with the Version 17.5.180092, and it still exists with the current version
(The Reader 17.0.* displays the PDFs correctly)
Displaying the same PDFs on all other platforms (Windows, iOS) with newest Reader Versions works without problems.
A deeper investigation revealed that the reason is based in the PDF structure generated by iText:
A XObject Element contains the images as Subtypes with Form types
/Type XObject
/Subtype Form
We are grateful for any help.
Best regards