Disable/add pref. for default file-based screen rotate introduced at the end of october 2018
Last October 2018 updates introduced a dreadful "optimization" that cannot be disabled for now : rotating display automatically for some pdf.
When opening a file, I get a message "Switching orientation for a better reading experience" (or "Changement d'orientation pour une meilleure expérience de lecture" in french).
Now for most of the files, I have to either to disable auto-rotate in android prefs (to lock portait mode), or rotate the phone for 10-15 seconds to go back to portrait, until the app finally "agrees" to rotate. This is a pain to work around this "feature", and makes my experience much worse.
This is bad design : making too many assumptions about user & usage leaves the user with a much less flexible app.
Please add either a simple button to rotate file view (not one that requires subscription or buying anything to simply VIEW files),
or a preference to disable file-based auto-rotate,
or simply remove this dreadful optimization !
(samsung galaxy s7, android 7, adobe acrobat on 02/11/2018)