Language Setting
French UI need to be implement if I want to allow my user to use this add-on.
Seenimohamed Seenimohamedaudo commented
Create files in my native language Tamil
AdminAlex Shubin (Admin, Adobe) commented
Thank you for your feedback. Feature to rotate pages is available in Organize and Combine modes. Little icons should appear once you hover over specific page. Let me know if you can't find it - I'm happy to show. Regarding support for other languages - we're working on it but it will take some time to implement. I'd be curious to learn more about your use case - let me know if you're available for a quick discussion.
Adobe Product Management -
Anonymous commented
Bom dia,
Faltam opções de,
linguagem para Português
rotacionar o documento.Para min é novo estou me adaptando parece ser bom.
Heri Gunawan commented
Selalu terjemahkan bahasa indonesia
Heri Gunawan commented
Penggunaan bahasa indonesia
AdminAlex Shubin (Admin, Adobe) commented
Thank you for your feedback. Unfortunately, we don't offer this product in languages other than English yet. This is certainly in our future plans.
Adobe Product Management -
1582756801masaki commented
Language Setting, Please.
I want to Use Japanese UI.