10 results found
bulk permission management
Request for improved permission management tools when sharing multiple PDFs. At https://toplinker.io, we need to quickly adjust access rights for document collections across different SharePoint sites simultaneously.
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1 vote
2 votes
Bug split pages - label function no longer working like before
Before the upgrade change, we will able to go into Output Options to change the label. Now the program defaults to adding Part to the name when the pages are split even though the word has been deleted or the Use label option is unticked.
2 votes -
documentcloud.adobe is terrible
documentcould.adobe is truly a terrible feature. I want to be able to turn pages easily, instead by hiding the turn page function in the premium features, you've made the process SO MUCH MORE DIFFICULT. I have a license, so I can do the "organize" but have to turn the specific pages I need. Then I have to wait for it to save and then REOPEN. The process takes so long. It was so much nicer and easier to be able to turn all the pages in the document when just going through it. It went from simple and easy to…
5 votes -
2 Seiten Ansicht
Wir benötigen eine zweiseitige Ansicht der Dokumente, das wäre toll, wenn man das einstellen könnte!
3 votes -
add features to document cloud to change colors on Comment and Highligh plus Split PDFs
Ability to change the color on a PDF highlight, draw, or comment, as well as ability to split pdfs. This ability is available on desktop and would be extremely helpful available online
5 votes -
Need Multi-Select using Shift or other
Being able to use Shift or another way to select larger ranges of pages to Rotate/Extract/Minipulate so don't have to select one at a time
5 votes -
Too many pages to organize
Error to "Organize" - "Too Many Pages" - it is a spec book of 443 pages I was working with. Bid ridiculous it's limited
4 votes
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