Restore useful zoom capability
The zoom capability sucks! I cannot easily change the zoom level on my touchscreen, and there is no zoom percentage field for me to enter a level. This used to be a normal feature of Adobe Reader; please bring it back.
Casey commented
I'm at my wits end with this AWFUL zoom feature change. Does anyone have any recommendations for a different PDF reader?
RoobD commented
At first, I thought my mouse wheel does not react. Really horrible user experience. I will use the Chrome vanilla PDF viewer again.
Gina M commented
PLEASE restore this. I've tried the other suggestions. Now, I have to click on a magnifying glass and THEN click again to modify the zoom. That's just nuts. Why take away control? If folks prefer a magnifier, let them have it... but don't remove the existing tool.
Update to prior comment - the drop down % bar disappears when Acrobat is set to open new documents in new windows. When I reverted back to open new documents in a tab, the drop down % tool suddenly reappeared. This is still nuts... it should not matter if my document is open in a tab or a window - the same tools should be present in both views.