Will not allow me to save or print, it says to change the name and flle folder but neither of these work either!!!!! Very frustrating and w
will only open from MB Hydro to Adobe and then will not save or print! It says to change the file folder or name of file, you can do one or both but nothing changes... still can not save or print... I asked to print... it automatically went to printer... and still nothing printed or saved!
I am so frustrated with your program,,,, and then spent hours trying to find out if I have to pay for a subscription to even view my bill... so done with this app and MB Hydro! Can not upload files,,, so can not drop them to you either! Also, I think it is just wrong that I am forced to use a specific app for anything because you made a deal with a major corporation!
AND I wasted all afternoon and still do not have any answer to the question of whether I have to pay for the program to make it work... and if I have to pay to view my bills! I am so past done working with these programs where you can not speak to a person to get an answer ever!!!! If I can I will avoid them like the plague... I have learned to live and manage outside of a MICROSOFT world... I can figure this out too! If I have to piece my bills together from their website with screen shots! I am tired of being forced to pay for a service that I do not choose to work with on my own! Frankly all I wanted was to have the CCleaner Browser open the document, allowing it to print and save. Why do we need to have a seperate program? I am not doing anything earth shattering, and I can always just save it to a pdf once I am done working on the contents in a word processor, if I need. I have already complained to MB Hydro... and will continue to insist that they supply my bill by snail mail. I can always scan the paper bill and then load it from there to be saved in my program at that time.