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4 results found
690 votes
We are delighted to share with you that Acrobat and Reader Desktop release for DC Continuous (21.007.20091) is Live now and this Takes care of the Feature Request to Change the Display Size of the Acrobat without changing the Scaling/Resolution of the machine. This can be Done from “View” → “Display Size”. For now this is avaialble for windows only.
More Info Here : and go to “Change Acrobat Display Size”
Please update your Acrobat (It should Auto update or you should do Help → Check for updates) and let us know your Feedback.
Ayush JainAn error occurred while saving the comment An error occurred while saving the comment Amkh Jogr commented
Ayush Jain ......
Your customers are far from delighted..... and many are simply insulted by your false comments and unrelated "solutions'.
Why not try something "different" ?
.... be honest!ADMIT that you do not give a f&(k and that you despise those who are stupid enough to buy your software......
An error occurred while saving the comment Amkh Jogr commented
Yet another "pretend".
This is plainly contemptuous.
There has never been - in this thread - a "Feature Request to Change the Display Size of the Acrobat without changing the Scaling/Resolution of the machine."
To pretend that this is the "request" made in this thread is almost definitive of the word "contemptuous".
adobe just keeps sucking cash from it's users woth scant regard If any at all) to it's CUSTOMERS (not "users"... we PAY).
Other pdf applications may or may not be as "customisable" as we wish - they may not have some of the features that we MIGHT use..... BUT:
(1) they do seem to listen to feedback and appear to try to improve, and
(2) they cost a fraction that we get scammed by adobe.While my subscription for acrobat doesn't end for a few more months... I am actively using Foxit now - with a view to using that alone in the future.......
Amkh Jogr supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Amkh Jogr commented
"PDF Studio Pro 2020".
An error occurred while saving the comment Amkh Jogr commented
"In continuation of my December 2020 comment, I am in favor of multiple tool bars, but I have worked around in a different way. In white area of toolbar, right click, in drop down list click customize quick tools. Select a feature you want, and add using +. On the tool bar ... when clicked shows your selected features. Clicking a feature will bring up corresponding tool bar for use. it would be nice to have customized tool bar, but this is better than nothing. I am not cheering Adobe for making us look for work around, but we have to adapt what we got."
Yes - you are correct - however the main problem is that the "share" button, the "provide feedback" button, the "help" button, the "notifications" and the "profile and settings" button CANNOT be hidden.
What's worse - adobe chooses not to refer to these as being "in" the toolbar - so if you ask how to get these off - they simply refer you to the process you state - which is of corse not to address the issue at all.
If we could "hide" these 5 fu<k!ng useless buttons, Adobe would be far more user-friendly - and able to share a screen with other applications without hiding the toolbar option that we DO use......
... but as adobe is full of non-thinking half-wits who blatantly CHOOSE to ignore simple customer comments and feedback - we are stuck with whatever some incompetant has decided we HAVE to pretend is a "feature"..........
An error occurred while saving the comment Amkh Jogr commented
There is also the added problems of people using the forms differently than how you want them to.
For instance - I use Acrobat to draw up forms to get information from clients.
I prefer that my client email these completed forms back to me - not through adobe cloud or google cloud or whatever - I need a direct record of communications with my clients (as stipulated by Law in my industry) and email is the best way to do this.
However the "share" button is unfortunately visible on EVERY document.
...meaning i very opten have to get them to send it to me again.If I'm not going to use something, or if I do not want "features" used - I should be able to hide them.
It just is NOT a hard ask.
It just is NOT a hard thing to make them "hide-able"
It WAS a stupid decision to make them "un-hide-able"An error occurred while saving the comment Amkh Jogr commented
The DESIGN FAULT where the user has no ability to REMOVE the following "garbage icons":
the "share" button,
the "feedback" button,
the "learn adobe" button,
the "notifications" button and
the "Profile/settings" button.This is regardless whether these icons are big and blue or smaller and grey.
It should not be "confusing" or need explanation -
Making an icon smaller and/or changing it's colour does NOT REMOVE it.
Making an icon smaller and/or changing it's colour does NOT RESOLVE this design fault.Doing nothing, but saying that you did, does not magically make something happen.
An error occurred while saving the comment Amkh Jogr commented
Anonymous commented · October 25, 2019 02:11 · Flag as inappropriate
Yes, would be great if the main toolbar allows hiding of Home, Tools, Document, Share, Provide feedback, Help, Notifications buttons (that's 7 buttons I almost never used). to have more space for the tools. I wish it didn't hide the zoom buttons and zoom number dropdown as the window gets smaller (I often work with multiple windows next to each other). Yes, the other (hovering) toolbar has that function, but I don't like it hiding my document, and appearing and disappearing.EXACTLY!
Adobe seem to think you are not allowed to use any other application while you have "their's open......
An error occurred while saving the comment Amkh Jogr commented
I have just seen an email - and here it is again:
...........................................................................Arpit Agrawal commented · October 16, 2019 18:37 · Flag as inappropriate
Hello,Thanks for reaching out to us. We are delighted to share with you that Acrobat and Reader Desktop release for DC Continuous (2019.012.20036) is Live now & With this Oct Release we have Added some Customization features for the top bar in Acrobat. Please find below Details for the same :
1. Quick Tools Cluster Is Draggable now
If you want to have the Quick tools on the Top Bar in left Position It can be achieved by Dragging them on top bar to left side. Doing this quick tools will not be hidden on Re-Sizing the window.2. Customization of Tools in HUD
Now users can customize the tools present in HUD as per there preferences. Right Click on Top bar and Unselect the Tool which you would like to remove from the HUD. Similarly you can check the Tool you want to add in HUD,Please refer for more details
Please Feel free to reach out in case of any queries.
What contempt.
It does NOT address the topic.The topic is to be able to remove "share", "feedback", "Learn Adobe", "Notifications" and "Profile and settings" if we wish to.
These (NEVER USED) options use up too much space and DO NOT BELONG where they are.
Repeatedly telling us about other things simply show a complete lack of professionalism at best.
2 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Amkh Jogr commented
"PDF Studio Pro 2020".
half the price
Nowhere near the bloat.......Amkh Jogr supported this idea ·
38 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Amkh Jogr commented
"PDF Studio Pro 2020".
180 votes
With our latest release on 11th Dec. 2018, the issue reported by you has been addressed.
If your product has not already been updated, to get the latest product update, click on the menu Help —> Check for updates in the product.You can now customize it by right clicking on the Toolbar and selecting appropriate option.
An error occurred while saving the comment Amkh Jogr commented
"PDF Studio Pro 2020".
An error occurred while saving the comment Amkh Jogr commented
This "reply" shows a complete contempt for the user client base... It is a complete and intentional LIE.
A more honest and far more acceptable reply would be to simply say "**** all of you".
The complaint/feedback/suggestion/"feature request" is to have the ability to REVOVE (that is NOT have it there) the "share" button (whether it be big and blue or smaller and grey) and the rest of the useless icons to the right of it.
To say it again - because adobe is too dense to "notice" - the "share" button and the icons to the right of it - should be removable.
IF (notice it's a BIG "if") someone wants these, they can add it.
ADMIN RESOLVED· amukherj (Customer Success Manager, Adobe) responded · December 21, 2018
With our latest release on 11th Dec. 2018, the issue reported by you has been addressed.
If your product has not already been updated, to get the latest product update, click on the menu Help —> Check for updates in the product.You can now customize it by right clicking on the Toolbar and selecting appropriate option.
".....................................................................This "reply" shows a complete contempt for the user client base... It is a complete and intentional LIE.
A more honest and far more acceptable reply would be to simply say "**** all of you".
The complaint/feedback/suggestion/"feature request" is to have the ability to REVOVE (that is NOT have it there) the "share" button (whether it be big and blue or smaller and grey) and the rest of the useless icons to the right of it.
To say it again - because adobe is too dense to "notice" - the "share" button and the icons to the right of it - should be removable.
IF (notice it's a BIG "if") someone wants these, they can add it.
scroll down this thread.
You will see that adobe has no intention to fix this issue - or to even provide a workaround.
the issue is that there are some "buttons" which are simply not used by the vast majority of users (customers that cannot be hidden - which means that any customised toolbar is hidden or unavailable.
The best you will get is for adobe to pretend they addressed this issue by telling you that what you want is something else entirely - and that you should be pleased with this (see Ayush Jain's response to verify this).
Try Foxit..... it will also mean that you need to learn something new - but it is less than half the price.
Otherwise - depending on what you use pdf's for.... you can use some browsers to read pdf's with.