856 results found
Documento 4to
Documento 4to
2 votes -
Summarize comments & add people tagging ability
Really miss the functionality of seeing all available comments in one click, which is available in the full version. Also tagging people in comments would be a really nice feature here.
3 votes -
Buen producto.
2 votes -
2 votes -
where's the help when I need it
There is an icon representing a highlighter; yet I clicked it and tried to highlight and nothing happened. But I couldn't find any help in your help menus.
2 votes -
no se
2 votes -
Permissions to view domain users not avoidable to use app.
Why do you need to see other users on my domain to work? This can compromise my GDPR compliance, so I cannot use your drive integration.
2 votes -
Typing this Again? See previous content.
Way too many steps to leave feedback.
Please add a rotate document function.
2 votes -
Print Preview Needs to Accurately Match PDF
The Print Preview screen does not accurately show the fillable lines on the PDF. For instance, certain sentences are cut off in the Print Preview screen - and thus are cut off when printed. I tried to select the "Print as Image" feature beforehand; but, it was to no avail.
2 votes -
Print Preview Not Showing Accurate PDF
When I print my PDF, the text in the fillable sections are not always shown when printed. For instance, I can see the entire sentence in Adobe; but, the Print Preview screen shows them as being cut off and it also prints this way. I tried selecting "Print as Image", but to no avail.
2 votes -
3 votes
Don't open the comment tab automatically everytime I highlight something
Everytime I highlight a sentence on my PDF document, it pops open a side tab with highlights and comments.
I don't need it to open automaticaly, I want to be able to read and highlight the PDF on one window and write on a doc on another window to the side.
But this tab with the comments and highlights keeps opening up and covering the pdf text.4 votes -
Make it so you can see the picture big
2 votes -
m.c mgee
mariana cruz mire
3 votes -
2 votes -
trying to send in school work
let me know when file is saved and attached to file working on some how
2 votes -
linea de tiempo
se han utilizado diversas categorías temporales, se aprecia la secuencia, sin embargo la línea como unidad de medida (cronología), no permite evidenciar su naturaleza, es decir la sucesión de años, ya que solo se observan las fechas que tomaste como referencia, no se evidencian periodos que has podido generar con los sucesos tomados, que se sugirieron en clase, tu avance debe mejorar, a tenerlo en cuenta para el futuro.
2 votes -
its ok
2 votes -
JROTC Assignment
2 votes -
fsihjdsihviuvhjdfgutueh8us7dfdsrkjdfshdyucfEWefjdvgiu fydcnjdfjdgiuvxgiucxgycjvbkj
2 votes
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