Prompt for download location
I wish that the 'download PDF' button would prompt a 'save as' folder instead of auto-saving to the downloads folder. If I'm downloading a pdf, it's pretty certain that I am going to want it filed in a specific location. The current setup adds an extra step (save as from the desktop reader program) which I am prone to forgetting and clutters the downloads folder with extra copies of pdfs. I already have Chrome set to prompt for a save folder with all downloads, but somehow the Acrobat extension bypasses this setting. Thank you!

Claire Kinmil commented
This feature is so important to me that I disabled Adobe Acrobat in Chrome until they fix it. 90% of the time when I open a pdf, I need to download it, and 100% of the time when I download stuff I want it to go in a specific folder.
Christine Carr commented
Sid Plymouth commented
Amen! I know that Adobe things it is quite unique but just like we all drive on the same side of the road, some things are (almost) a standard!