Is a paid subscription required to print or save documents sent our such as bills from Manitoba Hydro? Please advise, I read the whole do
Is a paid subscription required to print or save documents sent our such as bills from Manitoba Hydro? Please advise, I read the whole documentation on liability and fees, and am still in the dark! Also have not found a single notation on the fee schedule!!! So how can I know what to do? YOu do not provide any additional information about your company and the program fees... also not a clue what all these other things are you are discussing... the other
"Programs?" so please provide information that is clear and concise and more to the point... get rid of this vote thing... just a bunch of *!!!!!!!!! Not going to do more than give the same glib non answers! Thank you for nothing! HELD ****!!!!! BY ANOTHER "MICROSOFT" !!!!!!!!!
Can't provide any files as your program which kidnaps my bill download, also will not save to computer or print the bill... so no can do!!!!!! WHAT is the point then of this program????? Give me my own chosen PDF Program that is free and works!!!!!! Get this **** off my extensions of browsers and from kidnapping all my pdf files!!!! Tired of fighting with your simulation of a chat bot!!!!! just another usless diversion from the real problem... you have taken choices away and not provided any usable service in return!