43 results found
Password protection may not be working properly
I have set a password for the web form that needs to be signed. However, when I use the links provided in the "Share the URL" section, I can access the web form from a different browser or in incognito mode without needing the password, even when I'm logged out.
On the other hand, when I try to access the form from the dashboard while logged in, it prompts me for the password. I believe this behavior should be reversed.
1 voteHello 誠司 伊藤,
We appreciate your interest in helping us improve our product. We are always looking for ways to improve our product and will definitely consider your request.
As for the behavior, this is expected since a web form is a type of document that is intended to be available for anyone with access to the URL, and the password set in the compose page should be to keep the information secure only for the account owner. We can see this step as another security gate.
You can always use the tool Request e-Signatures and add a password for the participants.
Please let us know if this information is helpful for you.
Sign in Acrobat Web Team
New Change is HORRIBLE
Whatever you recently done, it sucks. All my form fields are not signature fields and I cannot get it corrected as of yet. I HATE IT.
1 voteHello Tammy,
We are sorry you are having trouble with this feature. To fix this, please check the settings under your user profile and look if in E-signing settings the checkbox for Disable form field detection is check. If it is check, please disable it and save your changes. This should fix your issue. In case this doesn't help you please reach out to us again.
Sign in Acrobat Web Team
This software is close to unusable.
1 voteHi Waterfront BIA,
We're sorry you're having a bad experience with app, could you bring us more details? Which aspects are unusable? Are you using the web app or desktop?
Thanks for your feedback,
Sign in Acrobat Web Team
Fill & SIgn option not working
FIll & Sign option is not working
1 voteHi TK Subhash,
We're sorry to hear that. In order to help you, could you provide us more information? You mean the option in the top bar? Isn't sending you to the tool? If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Sign in Acrobat Web
Easier to send back
1 voteHi Tina Zook,
Thank you! We appreciate your comments. We are always looking for ways to improve our product.
Sign in Acrobat Web Team
issue while e signing fale
we are facing issue while uploadingfile for e -signature and sharing with others
1 voteHi jinaid Ghani,
We are sorry you are experiencing trouble with the new feature . We are triaging your issue and are gathering more information to understand the problem better. We appreciate your patience and cooperation in resolving this issue. If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Sign in Acrobat Web Team
This new format is the worst edition you have ever offered. It is the least user friendly! I would love to have the past edition back!
1 voteHi Katie Jacobs,
We understand you are encountering some trouble with the new feature in Request e-signatures. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. With Modernized experience, you now get simplified document authoring experience, leverage AI-assisted form field detection and ability to revise, organize & save document edits in-progress, add/ remove recipients during agreement creation step. Here’s more information.
If you still prefer to use the earlier version you can revert back by following these steps:
1. Click on your profile icon.
2. Select "Settings".
3. In "E-signing settings", uncheck the box next to "Use the latest version of Request e-signatures".
This change will only affect new created after making this adjustment. We appreciate your patience and cooperation in resolving this issue. If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us. -
Keyboard keys not working in comment
When I try to write a comment related to a new E-sign PDF, all the keyboard buttons work except the arrows right and left! this only happens with this program at this point in building a new E-sign PDF request. It is super annoying to have to use the mouse to move one letter right or left!!
1 voteHi Nahla Ibrahim,
We are sorry you are experiencing trouble with the new feature . We are triaging your issue and are gathering more information to understand the problem better. Meanwhile, you can switch to earlier version by following the steops below,- Open the agreement draft experiencing the issue.
- On the left panel, scroll down and click "View more".
- Click the "Switch to legacy version" link.
This will switch you to the earlier version for this specific draft only. We appreciate your patience and cooperation in resolving this issue. If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.
issues with repeating info
On this form, we are experiencing responses repeating multiple times and text is not wrapping, which results in loss of important information.
1 voteHi Latasha Brown,
We are sorry you are experiencing trouble with the new feature . We are triaging your issue and are gathering more information to understand the problem better. Meanwhile, you can switch to earlier version by following the steops below,- Open the agreement draft experiencing the issue.
- On the left panel, scroll down and click "View more".
- Click the "Switch to legacy version" link.
This will switch you to the earlier version for this specific draft only. We appreciate your patience and cooperation in resolving this issue. If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Je kan geen 2 aparte documenten meer versturen zonder dat deze automatisch gecombineerd worden
Sinds de nieuwe upgrade voor elektonische ondertekening kan ik geen 2 aparte documenten meer doorsturen zonder dat deze automatisch gecombineerd worden. Wat is hier de oplossing?
1 voteHello,
We are sorry you are having trouble with the new update. You can revert to the previous version of Request signature by following this steps:
- Click on your profile
- Select Settings
- In E-signing settings, uncheck the box for "Use the latest version of Request e-signatures"
- Click Save and wait for the confirmation toast
This will apply only to NEW drafts created after changing this setting, please let us know if this resolve the issue.
Sign in Acrobat Web Team
No space for writing name while sending to bulk users
I want to share same documents to multiple users but there is no option to write name while sending bulk documents. How can we organize documents using an email address. There should be area to add names as well while sending bulk documents.
1 voteHello Sheridan Price,
We are sorry you are having trouble with this feature. The following steps might help you:
- On Home > E-Sign
- Click E-Sign (on top menu)
- Click on Send in Bulk
- Select or Drag and drop multiple files
- Under "Add Recipients" section
- Type email and click enter
- Repeat step 6 until all recipients are added
- Proceed to prepare document
Please, let us know if this information helps you.
Sign in Acrobat Web Team
1 voteHello Teo,
For adding a stamp you can add it following this steps:
- Open a PDF
- On E-Sign tab select add/edit signature
- A dialog should open
- Select image from the top buttons
- Select the stamp you want to use
- Click save
- Place the stamp where you want it
In case you want someone else to stamp the pdf
- Open a PDF
- On E-Sign tab select Request e-signatures
- Add a recipient
- On the left panel select E-signature
- Select stamp
- Place the field where you want the stamp
- Send the agreement
Hope this helps, please let us know if this resolved your doubts.
Sign in Acrobat Web Team
Date field default format problem
Why is Adobe Sign date field's default format European? Day/Month/Year?
Why can't the default be US format?
This is confusing my clients.
Also, the default date field should be date of signing!!1 voteHello Laura,
You can change the date format as you prefer by following this steps:
- Add a date field
- Click customize field
- On customize field type section click date format
- Select the format that you want to use
And done! With this you should be able to resolve your issue. Also we do offer a date of signing field, this one is different than the date field.
Please let us know if this resolved your issue.
Sign in Acrobat Web Team
Adobe sign feature with date included
On the Adobe PDF sign feature, I'm coming up that when adding the recipient to date the signed document, you designate a format for the date. But when the recipient goes to sign, if they choose a format that doesn't fit the format chosen, an error message continues. But there is no guide or information/popup to indicate to the recipient the necessary format of the date that is needed in order for the document to be completed. I'm going to have use TEXT instead until I know this bug is corrected.
1 voteHello Tammy,
For this we have two options, first is to add a field of "Date of signing" where it will automatically fill the date when the document gets signed. The other option is to add a tooltip to the date field, you can do this by following the nexts steps:
- Add a date field
- Click customize field
- In customize field content section click on tooltip
- Add the instructions you need
And done!, with this you should able to see a tooltip when hovering over the date field. Also we do offer a message with a suggestion of how to fill it, should say something like "Please enter valid date, e.g., '12/31/2011'"
Hope this helps.
Sing in Acrobat Web Team
Need multiple signature options and typed option
I would like several signature options. I can only create one signature. Also, when I attempt to change my signature, the create option doesn't allow for typing, only drawing. I don't want to draw. I want a more professional typed option. Please advise.
1 vote -
Adobe esign recipients receiving a copy of signed document
Is there anyway to change in the settings so that the final notification email with copy of PDF is not sent out to all of the signers once all signatures are received and filed?
In a nut shell, when final signature received, stop all recipients receiving a copy of the document.1 voteHi Michael,
Once the agreement is signed by all the signers, everyone gets a copy of the signed agreement.
Adobe Sign team.
Adobe Fill and Sign Mobile App to Cloud Sync corrupts filled form
Forms filled on the Adobe Fill and Sign Mobile App are botched when uploaded to the adobe cloud. Alignment, font szie all messed up.
Hours spent creating a template that can be editted in future is rendered into an illegible mess.
1 voteHi Ismail,
I have raised the issue with the team responsible. For the time being, could you please try the same documents with Fill & Sign feature in Acrobat mobile to see if it is a valid work around while we investigate this issue.
Adobe Sign Team
Adobe Signフィードバック
Adobe Signを利用しています。
何卒宜しくお願い致します。1 vote -
Fill & Sign Bug
It appears that something has changed recently, or Fill & Sign has a bug. If I use Fill & Sign, save, then come back later to finish the document. The fields that I've populated are now read-only. In the past, I could still use Fill & Sign to complete the document and go back to previous filled fields and fix typo's and incorrect data.
1 vote -
Let me delete my own **** files!
1 vote
- Don't see your idea?