Don’t flush cache for Dropbox files
For files in Dropbox, there is an icon with a cloud and an arrow pointing downwards, which allows me to download a offline copy that I can open later. This feature is similar to that of the iOS built-in “Files” app. However, for certain large pdf files, the Acrobat app sometimes re-displays the cloud icon next to the file’s name after certain period of time, requiring users to download it again (but being large is exactly why I need an offline copy!). The built-in “Files” app never does that; it seems to be keeping downloaded files for much longer time, in fact it never deleted one on my end.
Because of this, I am currently using “Files” app for keeping offline copies and “share” it to Acrobat app every time. I hope Acrobat retains offline copies for longer time as “Files” app does so that I can solely rely on Acrobat app!