Please allow user to outline and fill text boxes and picture boxes!
Please explain why in the iOS version text boxes and graphic boxes cannot be outlined? How about adding the ability to fill with nothing or fill with a color? When modifying say “a school calendar “ PDF it would be nice to be able to highlight text for labeling the week of spring break with an outlined text box for the “days selected”. Can ya see how this visual Could be useful for parents to see? Or the ability to put a 1 point black “outlined square filled with nothing “around the “dates “ of said calendar Monday-Friday . Teachers around the country use this format specifically to combine behavior charts and information calendars that are sent home to parents. Speaking directly to Designer s : please start thinking about function before form ! end users only care that software is easy to use we care not how the prompts and graphic interface looks. Honestly , who is responsible for signing off on this not well thought out mess. Blizzard uses the online guild my husband started with his friends PAX IMPERIUS to beta test games. Think maybe you should consider doing something similar? Beta test? Using every day people?