Remember page location in Liquid Mode
Right now, it is not remembered that:
1. A PDF file was viewed in Liquid Mode - pdf should return to liquid mode if it was last viewed as liquid mode.
2. The page location when file was last viewed with liquid mode.
This, on top of the lack of dark mode for liquid mode, makes it very unpractical to use, since liquid modes are usually used to long-form papers for me. This is a feature that exists in all the other modes, so should apply to liquid mode too.
Reginald Greyling commented
And don’t forget night mode as well!
Alexander Susanto commented
Agree as well. This should be added as features. I use to read books all the time. And allow bigger size files.
Gideon Emmanuel commented
Completely agree! Please please please add these functionalities to liquid mode (as well as highlighting), that would make this by far the best PDF reading experience available!