856 results found
1 vote
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Crop via documentcloud.adobe.com for files opened from Google Drive never save back and stay on 'saving...' indefinitely
When you crop a PDF via documentcloud.adobe.com for a file opened from Google Drive, it never actually manages to save back to Google Drive successfully and gets stuck on "Saving"...
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john dale tagert
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Doesn't let use AI Assistant.
Doesn't let use AI Assistant. Plz improve it!
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1 vote
My classwork
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Asia Rent A Car Chittagong
Asia Rent A Car Chittagong
Car rental service
+88017171010101 vote -
Easy to use
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1 vote
1 vote
Oppdeling av dokument
Hei, oppdeling av dokumenter fungerer svært dårlig. Programmet bare henger seg.
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Share and collaborate is not possible
Please add collaborative part as we are team we would like to share it and fill the form together.
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Normal color cannot be recovered
Colors are inverted and cnnot be recovered. The new button for inverting colours disappears and the default setting is now invert colors. The background is black and characters are white. I want to change back to normal colors.
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Missing feature
Why does the Add Content Image only have access to either the root drive folder or shared drive and not resent documents or starred documents?
It is very inconvenient to have to manually navigate an entire (shared) drive.1 vote -
I hate Adobe
I hate using Adobe. It is very frustrating and I spin my wheels tryin g to get anything done. Apple products are soooooooMuch bettterrrrrrrrrr!!!
1 vote
- Don't see your idea?