Bug? Problem with Color Management (wide gamut monitor)
When viewing PDF documents containing images on my wide gamut monitor using Acrobat Read DC (Windows 10), images have oversaturated colors.
The same PDFs looks OK when opened in Photoshop or previewed in Bridge.
See also this thread:
- https://community.adobe.com/t5/acrobat-reader/problem-with-color-management-wide-gamut-monitor/m-p/10982293
I have done some systematic testing. There seems to be a color management problem/error in the (urrent Windows version of Acrobat Reader DC:
I have made two test images:
- image-AdobeRGB.jpg: - a JPEG image file with an Adobe RGB (1998) embedded color profile
- image-sRGB.jpg: - a JPEG image file with a sRGB IEC61966-2.1 embedded color profile
For each image I have generated a PDF document using both Bridge and Photoshop. This results in 4 PDF files:
- image-AdobeRGB-BRIDGE.pdf: - image-AdobeRGB.jpg has been used in the Output module of Bridge
- image-AdobeRGB-PHOTOSHOP.pdf: - image-AdobeRGB.jpg has been used in Photoshop ("Save As": Photoshop PDF)
- image-sRGB-BRIDGE.pdf: - image-sRGB.jpg has been used in the Output module of Bridge
- image-sRGB-PHOTOSHOP.pdf: - image-sRGB.jpg has been used in Photoshop ("Save As": Photoshop PDF)
Each of the 4 PDFs has been opened in three applications:
- Bridge ( x64)
- Photoshop (21.1.1 20200312.r.121 2020/03/12: c839971b587 x64)
- Adobe Acrobat Read DC (20.006.20042)
The process is shown in the attached two diagrams (as JPEG image files):
- diagram-AdobeRGB http://jjohanson-test.com/acrobat-readerdc/diagram-AdobeRGB.pdf
- diagram-sRGB http://jjohanson-test.com/acrobat-readerdc/diagram-sRGB.pdf
This has produced 12 sets of findings (4 PDFs times 3 apps).
A summary:
1) Previews in Bridge and Photoshops looks OK for all 4 PDFs.
2) With two exceptions (see diagrams and *) Bridge and Photoshop indicates that the correct color profile is present.
3) For all 4 PDFs Acrobat Read DC shows identical and wrong (oversaturated) colors.
*) Bridge shows "Untagged" for the PDFs generated by Bridge. However, according to this:
- https://community.adobe.com/t5/acrobat-reader/does-acrobat-reader-support-color-management-systems/m-p/11006133?page=1#M64420
at least the the image in the Adobe RGB (1998) version of the PDF seems to have the correct profile.
Since Acrobat Reader DC (ARDC) shows identical previews for all four PDFs (regardless of the image color profile used that also seems to be present in the PDF files), it seems reasonable to assume that ARDC takes the input profile into account (the profile(s) embedded in the PDFs). However, it seems that the output profile (in this case the profile generated while calibrating my Eizo wide gamut monitor) is not taken into account. This behavior mimics the behavior of some native Windows applications like the Edge browser and the Photos app (images with different embedded profiles are rendered identically, but with oversaturated colors on my monitor). It is interesting to note that both the Adobe RGB (1998) files and the sRGB IEC61966-2.1 files preview identically (to my eye) in both Acrobat Reader DC, the Edge browser (non-chromium) and the Windows Photos app. When using "standard" gamut monitors it will often be difficult to see that the colors actually are not correct.
Test files for download
All files can be downloaded here:
- http://jjohanson-test.com/acrobat-readerdc/image-AdobeRGB.jpg
- http://jjohanson-test.com/acrobat-readerdc/image-AdobeRGB-BRIDGE.pdf
My system details:
- Adobe Acrobat Reader DC - 2020, Version 20.006.20042
- Adobe Photoshop Version: 21.1.1 20200312.r.121 2020/03/12: c839971b587 x64
- Bridge Version: Adobe Bridge 2020: x64
- Adobe Camera Raw Version:
- Monitor: Eizo CG2730 (calibrated regularly with Xrite i1 Display)
- Windows 10 Pro x64 version: 1909 - Os build 18363.752
- Graphics driver: Driver version: 442.19 (GeForce GTX 1060 3GB)

Johan Lundgren commented
I have the same issue since about a month or two back. Uninstalling and reinstalling Acrobat Reader DC helps for about half an hour or so, then it resets to the oversaturated neon colours again.
Jakob Piest commented
I have the same issue since a few weeks when saving as pdf in InDesign and Illustrator. All colors oversaturatet, profiles where ignored.
Win11 Version 10.0.22000 Build 22000
EIZO CS2731Edit: wild guess: no matter how I export to pdf, colors still are fully saturated. do you use pantone connect plugin?
Peter Johnsen commented
This needs fixing - you're supposed to be able to trust Acrobat. Hope you'll look in to it, Adobe?
Bree Tanner commented
Adobe, please fix this.