Separate zoom in +, zoom out - and zoom percentage buttons in the toolbar by default
It is very inconvenient and time consuming to make multiple clicks in order to zoom in or out the document. In the older versions they were separate and easily accessible. Drop down menu style is really exhausting and time consuming for these kind of basic operations. Please separate the zoom buttons !

Sten Vikner commented
Please bring back having zoom-in, zoom-out and the percentage-button in the toolbaras an option. If others prefer to first click a "click-to-zoom" icon before they get to where they can choose between zoom-in and zoom-out and where they can see the zoom percentage, that is OK with me, as long as there is also an option of not having to take the detour via the extra click, i.e. the option of having these three buttons directly in the toolbar.
Christian Pade commented
I need direct access to the zoom-in, zoom-out and the percentage-button. It is very inconvenient to click several times for such an important and basic function. Thank you very much in advance for bringing back the original and much better version.
Anonymous commented
Please be sure to vote in this thread as well - same topic: -
Anonymous commented
I agree 100%!! And kindly fire the 'developers' who felt this 'improvement' was a good idea, LOL!!
andi commented
This is causing no end of frustration. Please don't hide the zoom controls behind another menu, it's something I use constantly so it becomes annoying very fast to have them hidden. There's a large amount of unused space in the toolbar, and no need to add extra clicks.
Mike Barrett commented
Yes. And PLEASE show the actual display zoom percentage in the button bar along the top... PLEASE!
I need to know... Am I looking at this at 100% or 125%, etc.