Where do I start?
1) Don't pull info from Google to log me in. It automatically used the info from the wrong email account and it took forever to find the logout button (the symbol for my name/account info was not one I chose, it looked like a tiny pie chart).
2) Make it affordable. $180 a year just to be able to edit documents is pretty steep. $25 a year....ok, I can see that. I expected to have full use of the system for that. I's even pay $50 per year. Maybe have multiple tiers for membership?
3) Change the wording on your export page! I tried to convert a document to an rtf file and my options were to share the document or "download pdf"...then there was this checkmark...turns out if you click "download pdf", it will actually download the document in whatever format you converted it to. But why make it so confusing?
4) Whatever software scans the document needs to be updated. Nearly the entire bottom half of my document was cut off, leaving a black space where there should have been signature blocks. I'm better off using Paint to make the few corrections needed instead of using your platform.