Prompt Automatic updates
Hello there,
Can you add a prompt for updates?
"Adobe Acrobat requires an update that will require a restart before using the application. Update and restart or install later?"
You see, when Acrobat updates automatically and I'm still running the app, I can still open things, but if Acrobat updates and I'm not currently running the app, then I can't open the app until I restart.
In terms of workflow this means that to access a PDF needed immediately for work I need to save and close everything, restart, then reopen everything. This took about 7 minutes without including reopening everything (slow computer, lots of things open and in process over several resource intense apps).
Since I can still use Acrobat if I've already got it open, it obvious that there's some flexibility. If a screen came up asking permission and informing me to restart before I next opened, then the onus would be on me to keep it open and not ***** up my workflow but without that permission you just throw a big wrench into the gears, so to speak.
As of right now, my only recourse for efficient work going forward is to go into the registry and task scheduler and disable the automatic updates which, I'm sure you'll agree is not what you want.