about sha algorithms
hello, as you know, SHA-224 consists of six functions, 256, 384, 512, 512/224, 512/256, 256 and 512. But it encrypts with adobe acrobat sha 256. In my country, only 256 algorithm is not used. However, only 256 encryptions are made in Adobe. In my country, there are 384 sha encryption generators among the e-signature certificates produced by e-signature companies. I have the sha256 certificate, I can use it, but I cannot use the sha384 certificate. Having a method that supports or selects all sha values in your software will provide a great opportunity for both the development of your software and the increase of your users. We are not knowledgeable about software or integrations, we are end users. Companies do not take action on this, but you can make an update that supports all algorithms to solve this problem. I hope I will get a response as soon as possible and my problem will be solved.