176 results found
More Apple Pencil settings & features
Would like to see annotation features more compatible with Apple Pencil & iPad.
Detect hand written text created using the "draw" tool in comments so that we can hand write comments/notes in margins when reading and then have those notes digitized into text.
More flexibility around where text box opens when commenting/adding notes and the ability to keep keyboard visible while using Apple Pencil to comment/add notes. Any time I try to add text using the comments tool, I have to navigate to the bottom of the page where the textbox opens. If I open the keyboard, the text box…
7 votes -
Devolucion dinero
Buenos días! He tratado desde dias pasados de la Devolucion de mi dinero, PERO YA ME COBRARON $70 dólares de anualidad, no necesito el servicio por el momento, ya cancele mi suscripción y PIDO DE FAVOR LA DEVOLUCIÓN A MO TARJETA DE CRÉDITO. Cobro a nombre de WALTER CUMPA RAMIREZ.
2 votes -
Birth year textfiled on first registration page of adobe mobile app via apple private sign-in let user to type more than 4 number. Fix it to 4 would be good idea, I thought.
4 votes -
Highlight colours floating dock on iPad
While in comments mode, have a vertical floating dock on the left/right hand side (ideally movable to preferred side) with a line of commenting options and 10 commonly used highlight colours (ideally customisable). This makes switching colours easy while reading in iPad (which is one of its main uses on the iPad).
It saves the user having to click twice to choose a different colour to highlight with.
Additionally, streamline available default colour swatch options with the Adobe acrobat desktop app to make transitions more streamlined.
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4 votes
1 vote
Hello I would like a refund for an accidental purchase, turns out I dont need the 1 year please if you can help it would mean the world I accidently payed 106$
10 votes -
Rounded endpoints and corners on lines drawn on pdfs
I annotate my pdfs frequently. While I’m doing so using an Apple Pencil the lines are nice and rounded. As soon as I exit the edit mode they become jagged, sometimes harder to read, always uglier (especially with some corners that become very spiky). I’d like to suggest using the same rounded stroke that is used in the edit mode.
5 votes -
1 vote
Flexible size of individual comment boxes
Kindly give an option to expand or shrink the comment box (maybe by dragging the corner) as per the need of the user.
5 votes -
Traductor en la app
Por favor agregar traducción de inglés a español en la aplicación de iPad.
3 votes -
Formatting in comments
An option to format individual comments as Bold, italics, underlined etc
4 votes -
Option to use Apple Pencil always for drawing
iPad's in-built PDF Viewer (open PDF with the Files app) automatically uses the Apple Pencil for drawing and fingers for panning/scrolling by default. I wish Acrobat had an option to make it work like that.
1 vote -
Terrible Feedback System
It is extremely annoying to have to create an account and log into this cumbersome UserVoice web system, with full credentials, just to give feedback. Please let customers send feedback from just the app itself. That is the customer-centric way. Thank you for listening.
5 votes -
Export functions of highlighted text to notes, word or option to make a summary
Add the function of exporting the highlighted text as a comment in order to have a summary. This functionality is available in the pc version, but not in the mobile app.
3 votes -
기능 제안
pc 아크로뱃으로 링크버튼 작성 시 사용한 이전보기 기능이 핸드폰 app으로 작동 시에 작동하지 않아서 불편합니다. pc에서 적용한 이전보기 기능을 app에도 사용 가능했으면 좋겠습니다
2 votes -
Read out loud
I would like to have the read out loud function on the iPad version. This would help me get through a lot of doc faster.
16 votes -
Move comment tools bar downside
Would be cool white studying to have the toolbar on the downside of the screen
4 votes -
Scroll with single finger instead of two while commenting with Apple Pencil.
Hello! When commenting on PDFs while using the pen option, finger acts like a pen. Which is nice if we’re using only finger. It’d be nice if there’s an option to disable that when Apple Pencil is being used, so that we can scroll with just one finger.
4 votes -
Duplication of files
There must have been a recent update that has changed the way one shares a copy or saves a copy because the way I’m used to no longer works and the “new” way creates duplicates. I make comments in my docs and used to be able to share the doc to “on this iPad” in order to use without internet. If the doc already existed the new doc would override the old. Now, the share has been removed and I see that I need to do this via “send a copy” but now if the doc already exists a duplicate…
2 votes
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