Read aloud feature on iPhone
I need a feature that will read aloud my documents on my iPhone.

Loni Bennett commented
It needs to be added to the app. Period.
Elahi Bakhsh commented
Ios read aloud feature a
Elahi Bakhsh commented
Read aloud feature its critical very important to us ….
Tammy Marain commented
It’s 2021, add this feature.
Brittany Weber commented
This feature needs added. It’s 2020. This should be basic feature on the app now. With a non robotic voice. Something more normal and human sounding. And highlights the sentence that is being read. So you don’t loose your place if your reading along. And the read aloud feature just needs to be a simple icon you can just press. You don’t have to mess with anything. It just reads the document from from the beginning. And you can pause, play, rewind, fast forward, or even tap somewhere else for it to start reading. And it also needs to able to bookmark your place automatically. So you can just listen right back where you left off. Most of us use our phones now. And have busy lives. And having this feature would give us the opportunity to have a pdf read to us while driving, doing stuff around the house, cooking, while exercising, just doing anything.