New I need to know how to convert PDF to MP3
Just need a bit of help. I have a song I made on SoundCloud but when I register this it asks me to have it in MP3 file How can I change the file name so I can put this MP3 file into that format!?

TrentonClark commented
Please note that the ability to download a song from SoundCloud depends on the artist's settings. If the artist has not made the song available for download, you may not be able to obtain an MP3 version directly from SoundCloud. In such cases, you should reach out to the artist for permission or look for other legal sources to acquire the song in MP3 format. And to promote your own songs, try buying 100 soundcloud followers:
Newt Carbon commented
¿Dónde puedo descargar videos ilimitados de youtube a pc en mp4? Hola. Puedo aconsejarle un sitio que debería ayudarle. Con el descargador de YouTube no estás limitado en el número de conversiones que puedes hacer. Siempre que quieras escuchar una canción, ya sea en formato de vídeo o mp3, puedes hacerlo convirtiéndola fácilmente.