Numeric unit conversion
I work with acrobat in a way that is probably not very common. I work in the manufacturing sector. We work off of detailed dimensional drawings (PDF’s). With our international customers, this poses a couple of main hurdles:
1) converting the various languages into English language properly so we are confident we didn’t miss any specifications shown in the other languages, in our quoting and prototyping.
2) the units on the prints can be either inches or millimeters.
Either: give the ability to translate languages and convert units (and replace the original characters) directly within acrobat, or EASILY pipe the values out to another software (translator or spreadsheet software for example) and then pipe the converted info back into acrobat, populating the correct “field” (note item) within the PDF.
Speed is everything in today’s market; accuracy is a must. Any tool we can utilize to improve our response time and accuracy is an incredibly valuable one.