Acrobat Reader DC shows multiple tabs as windows on hover on taskbar
When multiple documents is opened in multiple tabs in Acrobat Reader, and when hover mouse over the Reader icon on the taskbar, it shows multiple windows in preview instead of one window. It would be a good thing to add that as a option so that behavior is similar as Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox which shows one window and active tab instead of multiple windows in the taskbar. It is really struggle to deal with multiple documents and when you want to restore minimized Reader window to the last opened tab.

Jake Straus commented
Hard to believe this is still an issue, it feels like a very simple fix. Tabbed browsing should absolutely be the default behavior.
dmp commented
When Adobe Reader is set to tabbed display, it should not display the tab previews in Windows Taskbar.
When the open PDFs are reasonably complex, such as a drawing, the Adobe Reader can't quickly process the generation of the thumbnails meaning a long wait to just get back to the previous document you had open.
Ctrl+click is a workaround for the time being, as suggested y another commenter. -
Yuri commented
Hey, in my Win11 22H2 (not sure the other version), I can click on Adobe icon with multiple docs opened and the last opened doc is activated!. Just use Ctrl+click! This trick is also work for other apps with multiple tabs/apps! I found the tricks here:
samuel Kazan commented
Any solution yet? I am Super annoyed over here. This issue has been reported many years ago, are the people at Adobe deaf?
Zalrahda commented
extremely annoying for several years
Frank Bowles commented
I really hope the devs add this to Acrobat Reader DC. I regularly have 5+ PDFs open and I usually just want to go back to the one I just had, not figure out which is the one I need and select it from a list of thumbnails each time. The current behavior is incredibly frustrating.
Daniel Rhodes commented
please please fix this. I have to have multiple pdfs open at once, and it is extremely irritating to have to try to figure out which one it was I just had open when switching between programs.
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Mahdi Hasan commented
Yeah, that's very annoying. I should be able to open the last pdf with just one click on the taskbar icon like chrome or firefox browser tabs.
hanim commented
it's extremely annoying. I want to open my active tab just with one click like I do on chrome etc.
Doc_mmjan commented
It is Still not Fixed !!!!
(adobe DC show multiple pdf opened when hovered over at taskbar)
Added Foxit pdf image that what it should look like.
Doc_mmjan commented
its still not fixed !!!!
(adobe DC shows multiple pdf opened when hovered over at taskbar)
P.S Added Foxit pdf as reference that what it should look like!
Istiaque Ahmed commented
taskbar preview of all the tabs open in Acrobat is very annoying, I should be able open the last viewed pdf with just one click.
Anonymous commented
Super annoying
sh4dow commented
@koala and where can I find this option? Every other software has this option (even microsoft edge), but I couldn't find it anywhere for adobe acrobat DC. Until this is fixed, I'll rather use Sumatra Pdf...
Eric commented
It is so annoying to need always two clicks to maximise windows.
A G commented
i can confirm that.
the dev team should introduce an option to disable the thumbnail previews in the taskbar.
many programs have that feature and many more allow the user to disable it.
for example, Firefox. there's an option in the browser to disable the taskbar previews and it will only show 1 thumbnail. -
koala commented
i'm pretty sure there's already an option for this