Why is this still an issue?
Jo commented · July 09, 2018 03:41 · Flag as inappropriate
I have the same problem... page 2 prints on a new page even though the print request is for double sided print. From all accounts it seems to be a widespread problem when a document has an odd number of pages. I tried to print just page 1 and 2 of a three page document but it still printed pages 1 and 2 on separate pages! What a waste of paper. This issue seems to be ongoing for some years and I cannot understand why Adobe cannot fix it when it is affecting so many people.It is ridiculous that users have to create blank pages at the end of the document to make it into an even number of pages simply because Adobe cannot be bothered to rectify the issue. I've never seen this issue on any other Windows software I use.
and why is this webpage so bad to use?