Connect Google Drive: "Shared With Me"
As of this post, Adobe Reader allows for the option to connect your Google Drive account to it, to view pdfs from the "My Drive" folder (on Google Drive) on the Reader.
Description of desired feature:
I would like the option to view pdfs in folders that are in the "Shared with Me" folder of Google Drive along with the ones in "My Drive"
Why this feature is needed:
Increases the utility of the Adobe Reader on Google Drive.

Kelsey commented
YES! This feature is CRITICAL. I am a consultant grant/proposal writer who works for multiple companies. Frequently companies share drives or folders with me where all proposal materials are stored. For a final grant submission it requires the assembly of many documents. Without this feature I have to download many documents to my computer or bring them to my personal drive which frequently violates company policies and preferences. If I could access shared folders and drives I would 1., not have to waste computer storage downloading documents, 2. not have to spend time deleting these documents from my computer, 3. not violate client policies/preferences around saving their materials outside of the designated area. Note, I can edit this documents when I open them directly but I cannot access other documents to merge them without downloading them or making copies and moving them to my personal drive.
Caleb commented
I am able to access the "shared with me" folder on Google Drive using the ipad app, but not the desktop app. Any reason the desktop can't do what the ipad app can do?