RichMedia mp4 playback with Flash disabled not working
According to:
"Playback of non-Flash media (excluding *.flv and *.swf) content in PDFs will continue to be supported."
I tested the sample-formatter-richmedia.pdf file in Acrobat Reader "Continuous Release 2020.009.20074" with Flash disabled and the video was not playable.

Angelo Cano commented
Hello Arpit, yes the issue has been resolved. Thank you for your help.
Arpit Agrawal commented
HI Angelo,
Can you please confirm if the issue is Resolved at your end. If not Can you please share the steps of how you are creating the PDF.
Angelo Cano commented
Thank you Arpit. I'll send the information to our developers. This is for our XSL-FO and CSS Formatter.
We have an extension to embed RichMedia content.
Arpit Agrawal commented
Hi Angelo,
The video you have embedded in PDF does not have Extension mentioned there. Its coming as "RidhMediaData". To play the video we need video extension as well.
for eg: if we create the the PDF file with the video sample.mp4 then it must have the extension mp4 in name or RichMediaData.mp4.
Also Can you please let me know in what way you are creating this PDF ?
Angelo Cano commented
The video is embedded directly:
23 0 obj
/Params <<
/Size 383631 /CheckSum (\243\254}\332\273&<-^@\267>\201w\321\\\215) /CreationDat
/ModDate (D:20200811160609-05'00')
/Length 24 0 R
... -
Angelo Cano commented
original video file
Arpit Agrawal commented
Hi Angelo,
I just checked the file again. I think you have used the Video with extension .swf. And as stated .swf extension is not supported while playing in non flash mode. Please use supported video formats to play in non flash media.