Settings to hide “Try acrobat pro” blue button in top right of program
In February version of Acrobat Reader, a blue button that invite us to try acrobat pro is visible. But in a Corp environnement this is not suitable.
The button is visible even if acrobat Pro is installed on computer.
Please give us a setting to hide this button.
Attachement : screenshot of button

TomeK TR commented
Hi Holly,
Thank you for your answer, I forgot to update this thread.
It appears that this key resolve the case, i had already set it by group policy but I don’t know why it didn’t work for the first time I set it, maybe a product update fixed the bug.
Thank you for your help and happy new year to all.
Holly Newman commented
This solved the problem for me! I added it to my MST for deployment and no more button, even on first run. Thanks so much.
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\DC\FeatureLockDown]
"bEnablePersistentButton"=dword:00000000 -
TomeK TR commented
Thank you but I tried all regkey but with the new version of acrobat reader it seems that it has no effects 😭
Gaurang commented
Hi TomeK TR, please try setting the following registry:
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\DC\FeatureLockDown]