Suggest to sync color printer setting with Windows
On Windows 10 Enterprise 1909 build 18363.2094,
Adobe Acrobat DC version 2021.011.20039,
opening file Colour Cycle.pdf
Top menu
File > Print...
Print Dialog
Top section (Printer, Properties, Advanced, Copies, Help)
Checkbox "Print in grayscale (black and white)" is unchecked.
Expected behaviour: prints in colour
Actual behaviour: printed in black & white.
File > Print...
Print Dialog
Top section (Printer, Properties, Advanced, Copies, Help)
Tab 1 (Paper/Output)
Right hand side
Output Color: Black and White
Dropdown list
Select "Color"
Click OK
Click Print
Prints in colour.
For comparison, Microsoft PowerPoint
Open Colour cycle.pptx
File > Print
Left hand column,
Print button, Printer section, Settings section
Below Settings section
Print All Slides, Full Page Slides, Collated, Color
Select Color
Prints in colour.
Let's check if its consistent.
Left hand column,
Print button, Printer section, Settings section
Printer section
Printer Properties
Paper/Output tab
Output Color
Dropdown "Black and White"
File > Print...
Left hand column
Settings section
still says "Color"
Both Adobe Reader DC and Microsoft PowerPoint are inconsistent with hidden system settings that decide whether a document prints in colour or black & white.
This problem took 3 embedded software engineers about 20 minutes, and 3 attempts, to solve. This was done during working hours, at a cost to the company. Please can we have a user interface where the Colour/Black & White setting is consistent with how we would expect it? (that the Print... dialogs show the same selection as the printer properties).
Thank you for making Adobe Reader for helping us read our Controlled Docs, attach files to our documentation, and communicate effectively across teams!