Print Multiple pages per sheet - acrobat does auto scalling and cause a disrupted resault, when printing different sized pages on one sheet
On print dialouge, there's abillity to print "multiple pases per sheet ". It's great. but the problem is that, acrobat does automatic scalling for each page sepatetly and it causes disruption, and not esthetic on the printed page.
Example: if the first page is cut and small, the size of A6 for ex', and the second page is in the size of a5, and I use on print dialouge "multiple pages per sheet" in the form of "1 by 2" (two pages aligned vertically on one sheet),
acrobat enlarge each page to fit 50% of the sheet, so the first smaller page, will be enlarged in a higher rate, and lookes too big and doesn't fit to the second one. text in the first page whould look bigger then the second one.
I suggest that when using "multiple pages per sheet" option, acrobat will use the properties set on the "size" option. there I can choose "Actual size".
Adminabhisi (Admin, Adobe) commented
Hi eyalc,
Thanks for reporting this issue to us.
Could you please provide the following information:
1) Are you facing the issue in Acrobat or Reader. Please confirm and also if you are using theolder version then please upgrade to the latest version and check the same workflow again.
2) What's the paper size you have in your printer while giving the job command.
3) Please share the OS ( Windows or Mac ) on which you are facing the issue.
4) Please share some PDF files on which the issue is reproducible.
5) It will be great if you can provide a video of the issue that’s happening at your end.
6) Has the problem started happening recently, or has it been going on for a while.
7) Is the issue happening every time, or is it happening intermittently.Thanks,
Abhishek Ranjan Singh