Business deployment Adobe Reader x64 with GPO (MSI)
If you're execute and patch Adobe Reader (64 bit) from MUI.exe-file and deploy the installation in ActiveDirectory with Grouppolicy (GPO) the client installation will fail with:
Error 2602. The File table entry 'snapshot_blob.bin' has no associated entry in the Media table.
These file is available in the source (Program Files 64\Adobe\Acrobat DC\Acrobat\AcroCEF).
I tried to get my installation file on the same way as it works for Adobe Reader (32 bit):
.\AcroRdrDCx642300320244MUI.exe -sfxo"C:\AdobeReaderExtracted" -sfxne
msiexec /a c:\AdobeReaderExtracted\AcroPro.msi TARGETDIR="c:\AcrobatReaderDCAIP"
msiexec /a C:\AcrobatReaderDCAIP\AcroPro.msi /p C:\AdobeReaderExtracted\AcroRdrDCx64Upd2300320244MUI.msp
Please fix or tell me the right way to deploy Adobe Reader (64 bit).
Many thanks

Gary Stokley commented
I understand the frustration with deployment issues using GPO and MSI for Adobe Reader x64. It reminds me of a time when I faced a similar challenge with a different software deployment. I had to dig deep into the documentation and tweak the installation process multiple times before it finally worked It's often these unexpected technical hiccups that test our patience and problem-solving skills. Has anyone found a streamlined solution for this, or is it still a trial-and-error process for most? Sharing experiences can really help everyone facing these deployment headaches.
Albrecht.21 commented
Workaround is very simple:
- open AcroPro.msi after slipstream with Orca
- look at Tables - File and sort by Sequence
- look for last entry (3864)
- go to Tables - Media
- change LastSequence of both files ahead the last entry under Tables - File
- for example to 3865 & 3865Installation will be done without any errors.