Tools Pane customization - why does it not work?
I would like to put the certificates tools permanently to the RHP, but it simply don't work to me. I have read the documentation about the "Tools customization" but that did not help.
My Adobe Reader version is 2024.002.20687 x64 hungarian.
Windows 10 22H2 or Windows 11 23H2 the same behavior :(
I don't have the "remove shortcut" option shown in the docs (neither have an add shortcut option).
I tried the registry way to add the tool at the toolbar, but that did not help and after I close the Adobe Reader, my registry entry simply disappears from the "HKEYCURRENTUSER\Software\Adobe\Adobe Acrobat\DC\AcroApp\cFavorites" key. If I understands correctly, I should put here a REGSZ type entry with the name a2 (I have now a0 and a1 only after disabled the tools behind paywall) with the value of "CertificatesApp". And I have to put under the "HKEYLOCALMACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Adobe\Adobe Acrobat\DC\FeatureLockDown\cAcroApp" key a REGDWORD entry with the name "bDisableAcrobatShortcutCustomization" and value of 1.
It doesn't matter if I set this value to 0 or 1, it does not help. After I open the Adobe Reader, the certificates tool won't show at the RHP, but right after I close the Adobe Reader, it deletes this a2 entry.
I would like to send this setting through Group Policy to my already installed few hundred clients so the customized installer is not a solution for me.