61 results found
Add an option to "save as PDF" from MS Word with "Bookmarks panel and Page" by default
Add an option to the Microsoft Word Adobe Acrobat driver that allows to save as PDF with the "Navigation Tab" - "Bookmarks panel and Page" property of the PDF file activated by default.
Currently it needs to be activated manually. The driver only saves with the "Navigation Tab" - "Page Only" option.
Other Drivers such as AutoCAD; however, save as PDF with the "Navigation Tab" - "Bookmarks panel and Page" property of the PDF file activated by default.
Thank you.1 voteHi
Thanks for your feature request. We have taken a note of it and will be prioritized based on other backlog items.
Tanvi -
When converting documents that contain embedded documents to PDF, the final product should keep those embedded documents intact instead of converting them to images - forcing you to go back one by one and reembed the document.
2 votesThanks for your feature request. We have taken a note of it and will keep you posted.
Tanvi -
Acrobat DC - Please create version that will enable embeded video
Adobe Team,
I have created several thousand Acrobat DC PDFs that contain multiple embedded videos. All of those thousands of PDFs worked pretty much perfectly. Now, due to discontinuation of Flash, none work. I cannot create those PDFs with embedded video. What a nightmare. Please, if you can create a new version of Acrobat DC that restores the capability to embed video, I'll be happy to send flowers! Or money, how about money!? Everything else works fine with Acrobat DC... get the capability back! Thanks, Scott
4 votesHi
Thanks for your feature request. This will be prioritized based on other backlog items.
Tanvi -
Error with PDF Maker: missing <Document> tag
When using PDF Maker 20 with MS Office 365, the tag tree is missing the document root tag. Has a Sect tag instead of Document tag.
Please correct this tag structure to meet the PDF 2.0 tag standards requirements.
Screen capture shows the error.
4 votesHi
Thanks for your feedback. Acrobat currently doesn’t support PDF2.0 creation. We have taken your bug report as a feature request and will be prioritized based on other backlog items.
Tanvi -
Microsoft Access Multipage
I need Microsoft Access to "add in" or be able to create multiple documents into one pdf. I had this in an older version.
2 votesHi
Thanks for your feature request. It will be prioritized based on other backlog items.
Tanvi -
synctex integration to acrobat
It would be extremely useful to those who use one of the various LaTeX typesetting engines (pdfLaTeX, XeLaTeX, LuaLaTeX, etc.) to have SyncTeX integration for Adobe Acrobat
3 votesHi
Thanks for your feature request. It will be prioritized based on other backlog items.
Tanvi -
Increase Outlook Plug-in PDFMaker Maximum Message Limit
I recieve the error when using the PDFMaker Plug-in to create a PDF in excess of 7,000 Outlook messages:
"You have chosen to convert a very large number of email messages. Please try again with a folder or selection having fewer messages."
I would like the limit to be raised to in excess of 10 or 15 thousand.
2 votesHi
Thanks for your feature request. This will be prioritized based on other items in our backlog.
Tanvi -
PDFMaker: Set the Scope, Row Span, and Column Span properties for table headers
Currently, PDFMaker tags table headers as <TH> when "Header Row" and/or "First Column" are checked in Word. However, it does not change the default scope, column span, or row span of the headers based on these values.
Description of desired feature:
* For each table header tag added by "Header Row", set the Scope attribute to "Column".
* For each table header tag added by "First Column", set the Scope attribute to "Row".
* If both "Header Row" and "First Column" are checked, and the data cell in the first row and column is not empty, set the Scope attribute…11 votesHi
Thanks for your feature request. We have taken a note of your request and this will be prioritized based on other backlog items.
Tanvi -
Microsoft Outlook for Mac - Convert to Adobe PDF Plugin
The Acrobat Plugin for Microsoft Outlook on Windows, which enables Users to create an Adobe PDF Portfolio from any Mailbox or Folder while preserving the "From", "Subject" and "Date" fields while also embedding all attachments, is an INCREDIBLY powerful feature that is crucial to many of our business practices. Unfortunately, at this time, this feature is only available on the Windows version of Microsoft Outlook, thus forcing me to run a Windows 10 Virtual Machine explicitly to perform this task. If the Adobe team could implement this feature on macOS versions of Microsoft Outlook, I would be incredibly grateful as…
4 votesHi
Thanks for your feature request. We have taken a note of it and it will be prioritized based on other backlog items.
Tanvi -
"Merge to Adobe PDF" in Microsoft Word Filename Field
It would be very helpful if in the "Merge to Adobe PDF" function/plugin under Mailings in Microsoft Word to be able to specify a filename from the fields of my dataset. In other words, I would like to be able to have a column in my dataset that the plugin uses for naming files. It's horrible having to rename a hundred documents if you want to distribute PDFs.
20 votesHi
Thanks for your feature request. We have taken a note of it and it will be prioritized based on other backlog items.
Tanvi -
Preserve Source Folder Structure when creating multiple PDF's
When creating multiple PDF's, if I choose to place them in the source folder, everything works fine, and all files are being converted into PDF, remaining the source structure. But I end up with a folder structure with mixed files (Word and PDF) next to each other. I do want a different output folder, but preserving my source folder structure. This way I get a new output structure, with only PDF-files in the structure. This option is currently not possible. When selecting a different output folder, all files are created directly into that new main folder. I would like to…
1 voteThanks for your using Acrobat. We have taken a note of your feature request and it will be prioritized based on other backlog items.
Tanvi -
Increase document size on cloud conversion
I find myself unable to convert a word document file to pdf with proper hyperlinks for the table of contents. Please either increase the size limit for conversion of the files on Document Cloud and/or enable preferences option in Microsoft application for better conversion of files including attaining the hyperlinks in the documents and other features.
3 votesThanks for your feature request. We have added it to our backlog and will be prioritized as per other items.
Tanvi -
File default zoom option when creating pdf from Word file
When creating a pdf from a Word file, it would be useful to be able to set the default zoom of the file.
From posts on other platforms, it appears that some get random default zooms on their files.2 votesThanks for your feature request. We have added it in our backlog which will be prioritized based on other items. We will keep you posted with the progress.
Tanvi -
make Acrobat Pro compatible with IBM Notes version 10
Adobe Acrobat has been compatible with the major business application like MS Outlook or Lotus/IBM Notes since a long time.
With the version 10 of IBM Notes (that was October 2018) Adobe Acrobat 2017 is no longer compatible with this email suite.
The PDFMaker Addin did a great job in creating PDFs from Mail.
Unlike just "printing to PDF" the right border has not been cut when the text was too long and the PDFMaker did include all attachments from the mail into the final PDF.So the Adobe Acrobat was a perfect companion for documenting approvals and other buisiness…
11 votesThanks for your feature request. We have added it in our backlog which will be prioritized based on other items. We will keep you posted with the progress.
Tanvi -
Acrobat Pro
I wish the application can convert outlook email with attachments into a single pdf with attachments immediately following the email. It will be ideal if a whole folder of emails can be converted with same format of file names that can be chosen by the user
2 votesThanks for your feature request. We have added it in our backlog which will be prioritized based on other items. We will keep you posted with the progress.
Tanvi -
Add Page Number Column in Combine Files workflow.
We have a functionality till Acrobat DC October 2018 release which shows the page number when combining the PDF files on Page thumbnail. This feature was enhanced in such a way that now the users have to rollover the mouse to the document to see the number of pages. It would be great if we can have a separate column which shows the page numbers in such a way we can have both complete view of the document in Page thumbnail and the page number as well without rolling over the mouse cursor to PDF.
2 votesThanks for your feature request. We have added it in our backlog which will be prioritized based on other items. We will keep you posted with the progress.
Tanvi -
HEIC Support
Provide support for HEIC files. This is apple's new standard and lots of clients send over these image files like jpegs that need to be inserted into my pdfs. PDF is intended to be the "universal" format so this seems like an obvious addition. Thanks!
7 votesThanks for your feature request. We have added it in our backlog which will be prioritized based on other items. We will keep you posted with the progress.
Tanvi -
More file/folder options for combine files tool
I've used this tool for years and have turned to 3rd party vendors for better options. Adobe should step in and revamp this tool.
For me the issue with this tool is the processing features. I cannot add multiple folders containing multiple files and output aggregate PDF's that correspond to each folder. The same is true with more complex file/folder structures where I may wish to add and combine specific sub-folders from specific directories into aggregated PDF's.
Moreover, the file naming features could benefit from an upgrade in features. I'd like to have the option of renaming a new aggregate…
3 votesThanks for your feature request. We have added it in our backlog which will be prioritized based on other items. We will keep you posted with the progress.
Tanvi -
Document title transfer from MS Word plug-in
In the PDF Maker plug-in for MS Office, add additional controls in the PDF Preference settings to make accessible PDFs:
Set the Display Title options to a drop-down menu with the choices of Document Title or File Name.
21 votesThanks for your feature request. We have added it in our backlog which will be prioritized based on other items. We will keep you posted with the progress.
Tanvi -
Combine feature
There should be a way that you can drag/drop an email into Adobe so that it converts the email (Outlook) into a PDF, and ALSO converts and combines the attachments onto the PDF. The way I know to do this is extremely clunky and includes having to download each attachment separately to later have to use the combine feature to add each one.
2 votesThanks for your feature request. We have added it in our backlog which will be prioritized based on other items. We will keep you posted with the progress.
- Don't see your idea?