186 results found
Save filled in pdf "bug"
So I filled in a PDF but got something wrong, and now I have to pay to fix what i filled in or do it all again? Nice way of convincing people to join another subscription.
1 voteHello Jose Pedro,
We are sorry you're experiencing issues with the feature. While we try to narrow down the possible cause of this issue, could you please provide more information about it? For example, this error occurs when you upload a file to Acrobat Web or is it happening on the Desktop app? Any additional information that you could provide will help us address this issue as soon as possible.
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Efile does not load document
Why does your esign continue to not load. It is so frustrating
1 voteHello Janine,
We would like to know if you are still facing this issue? It will be really helpful if you provide more details so we can fix it.
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Datum Autocomplete
Autocomplete für das verdammte Datum funktioniert nicht richtig. Es ist schon das zweite Mal das ich aus Versehen Partnern Dokumente mit dem falschen Datum geschickt habe. Warum die Funktion haben, wenn es nicht das heutige Datum als default hat?!
1 voteEs tut uns leid, dass Sie Probleme mit der neuen Funktion haben. Wir untersuchen Ihr Problem und sammeln weitere Informationen, um das Problem besser zu verstehen. Könnten Sie uns in der Zwischenzeit bitte weitere Informationen zu dem Problem mitteilen, mit dem Sie konfrontiert sind? Dies hilft uns, schnellstmöglich eine Lösung zu finden.
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Sign button hidden by language overlay
Button hidden when trying to sign document.
The language overlay at the bottom of the document is blocking the button that needs to be pressed in order to submit a signed document.
1 voteHello,
We are sorry you are having trouble with this feature. Could you provide a screenshot of the issue so we can understand it better?
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Seitenbegrenzung E-Signaturen anfordern trotz Adobe Pro
Guten Tag,
trotz Adobe Pro ist die Seitenzahl bei E-Signaturen anfordern auf 25 begrenzt.
Siehe Anhang
1 voteHello Janik,
We are sorry you are experiencing trouble with this feature. We are triaging your issue and are gathering more information to understand the problem better.
In the meantime, is it possible for you to share the file you are having issue with? So we can fully identify what the issue with the file is?
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No se puede descargar documento para firma electronica. Document not supported
No funciona la firma electronica, me puedes ayudar, no carga el documento, contesta incompatible con firma electrónica.
Magdalena1 voteHello Gonzalo,
We are sorry you are experiencing trouble with this feature. We are triaging your issue and are gathering more information to understand the problem better.
In the meantime, could you please provide us with more information regarding this issue? Like, which tool are you using to send documents? And what are the steps that been causing you the issue?
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Text disappears
No idea. But when I sometimes save everything and come back, some parts of the document just disappear.
1 voteHello Mykyta,
We are sorry you are experiencing trouble with this feature. We are triaging your issue and are gathering more information to understand the problem better.
In the meantime, could you please provide us with more information regarding this issue? Like, which tool are you using to send documents? And what are the steps that been causing you the issue?
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does not work
not letting me see my documents in progress
1 voteHello Andrea,
Thank you for sharing your feedback with us, and we apologize for the frustration you have experienced with our e-sign feature. In the meantime, could you help us providing more details, to troubleshoot this issue.
Thank you for your patience,
Sign in Acrobat Web Team
e-sign not working
i can not sign (e-sign) on my pdf file
1 voteHello Michael,
We are sorry you are having trouble with this feature, could you provide more information about this issue?
- Is it only with that specific file? Could you provide it?
- What steps do you use before encountering this issue?
- Do you see any error or dialog on the screen when this issue happens?
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Stop trying to sell me your products
I do not want to buy new products or services, I do not want to be jerked around trying to access the product I have a license to, I do not want to have to hunt for access to the product I have a license to, I want to be placed directly on a screen where I can select from the products I have a license to, and I want to be able to access it with one click. quit trying to sell me stuff, give me immediate access to Adobe sign so I can get documents out ASAP without…
1 voteHi Nicholas,
We understand you are encountering some trouble with our services. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. Could you please give us more details on where you find this issues, and if possible send us a screen shot to understand this behavior better? And we will gladly work on it as soon as possible.
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cant use signature and change the name
make it work right
1 voteHello Kali,
We are sorry you are experiencing trouble with this feature. We are triaging your issue and are gathering more information to understand the problem better. Meanwhile, would you be so kind to explain the issue a little bit deeper? Or if it's happening only with one document, could you please share it with us?
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You need to fix this **** E-sign!!! It's terrible!
Sorry, but your E-sign is absolutelly ****. Ok, my internet is not very good today, but I spent more as 4 hours and at least I find, that your e-signature is.... Sorry, good luck.
1 voteHi Velga,
We are sorry you are experiencing trouble with the new feature . We are triaging your issue and are gathering more information to understand the problem better. Could you provide more details regarding the issue you are having? For example if you are seeing an error or the page not loading or anything you deem important for us to know will really help us.
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crashed , unable to correct error, unable to send out e-sign with correct version
the e-sign feature is a complete failure.
I tried several times to correct the same error, saved to both adobe cloud, and computer, nothing ever changed, sending E-sign request to my contractor only results in a bunch of waste emails. It's a waste of time, and it makes people who use it doubt themselves.1 voteHello Ruiting,
We understand you are encountering some trouble with Request e-signatures. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. Could you provide more details about this issue?
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Just Rubish to use. I want to cancel it today
this produce is rubbish
1 voteHello Ronda,
We are sorry you are experiencing trouble with our product. We'd like to know what the issue is that that makes you want to cancel our services. We are always happy to help!
If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.
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Verkkolomake ei palaa lähettäjälle
olen lähettänyt verkkolomakkeita allekirjoitettavaksi. Lomakkeet lähtevät minulta, mutta eivät tule takaisin: jukka.saikkonen@autotallit.fi?1 voteHello Jukka,
We are sorry you are experiencing trouble with this feature.
Please check your email's spam folder to verify the agreements are not being sent there by mistake.
If you are not able to find them, please check an already sent agreement in the Acrobat web page, to verify if it has already been signed or not, because an email is sent to the sender only when the document has been signed by any recipient, and when it's fully completed too.
You can visualize this, following the next instructions:
- On the Main page click the "Documents" tab on the top left corner
- Click "In progress" under Agreements
- Find the agreement you want to do a follow up on, and click on it
- On the right hand panel that pops up, scroll all the way down
- You will find the "Recipients" section
- An email should've been sent to you if…
Not opening document
my Adobe reader is saying that it wont open and some features wont work. It wont open my file at all. if it does it says its blank.
1 voteHello Ronda,
We are sorry you are experiencing trouble with this feature. Could you please send us the document you are trying to open? And we will try and replicate this issue to do a further inspection on the matter.
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Imposible to remove a cross that was my signature before the import
J'ai une enorme croix à la place de ma signature dont je n'arrive pas à me débarasser
1 voteHello Florian,
We are sorry you are experiencing trouble with this feature.
Would you be so kind to explain the issue you are facing a little bit deeper? That'd be really helpful for us to have a better understanding of the problem.
Also, it'd be great if you could provide the document as well.
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Bad product
******** doesn’t even ******* work and I pay for this trash *** *. * Adobe.
1 voteHello Edward,
We are sorry you are having trouble with this feature. Could you provide more information about this issue?
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not working properly
At the time of filling the form the text box moves from it's place once we click somewhere else.
Once the form is filled and downloaded, the text boxes are either incomplete or moved and sizes also are changed.
1 voteHi Prateek,
As a follow up we will like to know more information about this issue. Could you provide more details? For example, if you could share the document you're using, the steps you do and any other information that might be helpful to us.
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Was using Acrobat Professional on my computer. This changed yesterday. Now I can't "add text" like before. Acrobat tries to read the doc and changes it to a misread mumbo jumbo. Instead of adding my signature a coworkers comes up. I want to be able to use this without being connected to other employees
1 voteHi Rosanne,
We are sorry you are experiencing trouble with the new feature . We are triaging your issue and are gathering more information to understand the problem better. Meanwhile, could you provide more information about this issue? For example the steps you do and if it happens with a specific file, or anything else you might deem important.
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- Don't see your idea?