42 results found
THIS NEW ESIGNATURE is total over engineered trash. What are you thinking? Every "new" item you introduce is some engineer billable justification garbage. I want and only need a simple way for people to input and sign items. You have made this now garbage and I will be googling "simple pdf signature tool" and subscribing to them.
1 voteHello Lon,
We understand you are encountering some trouble with the new feature in Request e-signatures. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. With Modernized experience, you now get simplified document authoring experience, leverage AI-assisted form field detection and ability to revise, organize & save document edits in-progress, add/ remove recipients during agreement creation step. Here’s more information.
If you still prefer to use the earlier version you can revert back by following these steps:
1. Click on your profile icon.
2. Select "Settings".
3. In "E-signing settings", uncheck the box next to "Use the latest version of Request e-signatures".
This change will only affect new created after making this adjustment. We appreciate your patience and cooperation in resolving this issue. If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Sign in Acrobat Web Team
Strong protect
1 voteHello Shahajadpur Khobor potidin,
Thank you for reaching out, could you please explain your issue further?
Sign in Acrobat Web Team
Get a complete UX overhaul. implement useful online help. AI maybe?
I need to cancel this signature request. I don't see how to do so. It's extremely difficult to to use the Adobe sign product. I'm very frustrated. This is impacting my business. I am actively researching alternatives to Adobe.
1 voteHello Peter,
We understand you are encountering some trouble with the feature Request e-signatures. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
You can cancel any requested agreement by following the next steps:
- On Home page click "Documents" tab in the upper left corner
- Then on the Left Hand Panel, under Agreements click "In Progress"
- Find the Agreement that needs to be canceled and click on it
- On the Right Hand Panel click "Cancel"
You will find as well a video of the process in this comment.
If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Sign in Acrobat Web Team
Signature Missing pop up should be overrideable
The "Signature Field Missing" pop up doesn't allow me to override and move forward. There is a bug there. I have a signature field just not where the Adobe AI feels like I should have one and I need to override it - I do not want a random signature placed on the last page
1 voteHello Samantha,
We are sorry you are experiencing trouble with this feature. Usually when that pop up shows up is because a signer doesn't have a signature field, could you verify this? In case you don't want a signature from a recipient, you can change the role to approver. Please check the attached video and let us know if this resolved your issues.
Sign in Acrobat Web
Over all nice book to acquire basic knowledge if you could add technological approach for young learners in this book means even more useful
Collect Feedback from the Various kind people try to get different perspectives.
Analyze if the changes had any positive impact.Find out how you can improve the point even more . give discounts to buyers for selling more number of books affordable rate of books also matters. Approach this kind of books in educational institutions for the reachability. Selling of this book in online websites also beneficial.1 voteHello Vinothini,
Thank you for your comments! We appreciate your interest in helping us improve our product as we are always looking for ways to improve.
Sign in Acrobat Web Team
Stick with the old format -- If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
The new format/visual that comes up when clicking "USE TEMPLATE" is cluttered and messy. The old format was much cleaner when dropping in text fields on a form template before sending out for signature. It was a much better format when the customer email info and email message was shown in the second screen/page before sending. With those two separate pages now being combined in the left side menu bar, it clutters the process and makes it more time consuming -- runs much slower than ever.
1 voteHi Scott,
We are sorry you are experiencing trouble with the new feature. We know you will like this new format since it makes things a lot easier! Please consider on giving it another try!
We appreciate your interest in helping us improve our product. We are always looking for ways to improve and will definitely consider your request.
Sign in Acrobat Web Team
Como descargar 100 documentos firmados + auditoria
Hola, por política hemos hecho firmar más de 100 documentos y necesitamos descargarlos para guardarlos con su informe de auditoria. ¿Donde esta la opción para descargar todos los documentos firmados + informe auditoria?. Gracias
1 voteHello Inma Soriano,
To download any amount of signed agreements please follow the next steps:
- Click the "Documents" tab at the top left of the home page
- Scroll down on the left hand panel until you see "Agreements" and under it click the "Completed" option
- There, all the finished agreements will be displayed, and you will find the "Download PDF" and "Download Audit Report" options on the right hand panel when you select any agreement.
Please let us know if this information was helpful!
Sign in Acrobat Web Team
Signing multiple documents in one envelope
Hello! The ability to rename batch submissions has disappeared. Now they are all under the same name "Binder". It is impossible to distinguish documents when there are many of them.
1 voteHello Julia,
You can change the name of the agreement in Review and Send modal, before you sent it out (see image). Please let us know if this resolve your question and if you have any other query.
Sign in Acrobat Web Team
I thought that The ? meant I would get HELP
Where are the files I sent for signature? Where are the files that haven't been signed? Why do all my documents have the same name? At least DOCUSIGN would put the email address and customer name in the Document Name! This is not very customer friendly!
1 voteHello Brandon,
You can find all your files in the "Documents" tab at the top of the page, then you can select the type of document you need to look for on the left hand panel. E.g. Clicking "In progress" under "Agreements" will display all the sent documents waiting for signatures.
Please let us know if this information was helpful!
Sign in Acrobat Web Team
Firma digital en doc solo lecturaz
Documento solo lectura como firmar
1 voteHello,
We don't support signatures with only read mode activated, this is an intended behavior since the preference of that document were set like that unfortunately you will not be able to sign it. If you have any more doubts please reach out.
Sign in Acrobat Web Team
Password protection may not be working properly
I have set a password for the web form that needs to be signed. However, when I use the links provided in the "Share the URL" section, I can access the web form from a different browser or in incognito mode without needing the password, even when I'm logged out.
On the other hand, when I try to access the form from the dashboard while logged in, it prompts me for the password. I believe this behavior should be reversed.
1 voteHello 誠司 伊藤,
We appreciate your interest in helping us improve our product. We are always looking for ways to improve our product and will definitely consider your request.
As for the behavior, this is expected since a web form is a type of document that is intended to be available for anyone with access to the URL, and the password set in the compose page should be to keep the information secure only for the account owner. We can see this step as another security gate.
You can always use the tool Request e-Signatures and add a password for the participants.
Please let us know if this information is helpful for you.
Sign in Acrobat Web Team
Your Adobe Pro Digital Signature has always taken forever to run and is extremely complicated and borderline ancient. With each "downgrade" it get sworse and now doesn;t even work. You concentrate on adding all these complicated useless fetures that nobody wants or needs and forget the basice....ACCURACY, TIMELINESS, ETC.
2 votesHello Gilbert,
We understand you are encountering some trouble with the feature Request e-signatures. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. With Modernized experience, you now get simplified document authoring experience, leverage AI-assisted form field detection and ability to revise, organize & save document edits in-progress, add/ remove recipients during agreement creation step. Here’s more information.
If you still prefer to use the earlier version you can revert back by following these steps:
1. Click on your profile icon.
2. Select "Settings".
3. In "E-signing settings", uncheck the box next to "Use the latest version of Request e-signatures".
This change will only affect new created after making this adjustment.
We appreciate your interest in helping us improve our product. We are always looking for ways to improve our product and will definitely consider your request. If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Sign in Acrobat Web Team
Bug Found - Multiline Text Field
RE: BUG FOUND - Webforms that are created from a PDF which already have Multiline Form Fields inserted do not display entire text in the form when filled out. Works as expected when Multiline Text Field is created while creating the webform on the acrobat.adobe.com website.
-Create a Text Field in a PDF, set it to Multiline from within Acrobat Pro
-Create webform by upload that PDF with the Multiline Text Field
-Fill out the webform and create new lines within the Multiline Text Field by hitting enter and adding text to each line, making sure that a scroll bar…
2 votesHello John,
Thank you for your detail information, we have review this issue and seems to be an intended behavior. Please feel free to leave any feedback again.
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tend not using this anymore as I cannot find my way anymore in the functionalities
very user unfriendly compared to previous version
2 votesHi Margie van der Valk,
We're sorry to hear that you feel unsatisfied with the product, we would appreciate your feedback on which features you find unfriendly. In order to keep track of your suggestion, please, let us know if you're using the desktop app or web app, and what kind of task you aren't available to complete.
Sign in Acrobat Web Team
difficult to use
Flattered as I am by the 4 welcome emails, I struggled to complete a form using the software. I could not get it to put characters (text and ticks) in the centre of the boxes and had to move them around like that old gameshow with Bob Monkhouse, and even then they wouldnt stay exactly where i put them. when checking the document I had to change a couple of entries and that wasnt easy either because just clicking on the box wasnt accurate enough and I created extra boxes that I then had to delete. It took me more…
2 votesHello Doug,
We are sorry you are experiencing trouble with the new feature. You can go back to the legacy version of the software by unchecking the option "Use the latest version of Request e-signatures" in your Settings when you click on the User profile picture (Right upper corner).
Also, as for the centered character in the boxes, you can do that trick by double-clicking a text box and under Text format (Please see attached) select the second option.
If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Sign in Acrobat Web Team
New Change is HORRIBLE
Whatever you recently done, it sucks. All my form fields are not signature fields and I cannot get it corrected as of yet. I HATE IT.
1 voteHello Tammy,
We are sorry you are having trouble with this feature. To fix this, please check the settings under your user profile and look if in E-signing settings the checkbox for Disable form field detection is check. If it is check, please disable it and save your changes. This should fix your issue. In case this doesn't help you please reach out to us again.
Sign in Acrobat Web Team
This software is close to unusable.
1 voteHi Waterfront BIA,
We're sorry you're having a bad experience with app, could you bring us more details? Which aspects are unusable? Are you using the web app or desktop?
Thanks for your feedback,
Sign in Acrobat Web Team
Fill & SIgn option not working
FIll & Sign option is not working
1 voteHi TK Subhash,
We're sorry to hear that. In order to help you, could you provide us more information? You mean the option in the top bar? Isn't sending you to the tool? If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Sign in Acrobat Web
Easier to send back
1 voteHi Tina Zook,
Thank you! We appreciate your comments. We are always looking for ways to improve our product.
Sign in Acrobat Web Team
I cant not sign my PDF
Not letting me use the sign & fill tool. Also will not let me edit the settings
0 votesHi Cheryl Moss,
We are sorry you are experiencing trouble with the new feature . We are triaging your issue and are gathering more information to understand the problem better. We appreciate your patience and cooperation in resolving this issue. If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Sign in Acrobat Web Team
- Don't see your idea?