313 results found
Open two tabs on iPad (suggested split view does not work)
This suggestion already exists and it appears to have been resolved by someone saying that iOS allows two instances of Adobe Acrobat to run at the same time via Split View. This is untrue, or at least it doesn’t work on my up to date device. I need to be able to view a book and the footnotes at the same time. Liquid view won’t work with a file of over 200 pages.
5 votes -
Read pdfs out loud on mobile
I’d like to be able to listen to my articles because I can retain information better listening
15 votes -
これに対応してくれるだけで他の自炊PDFビューワーから乗り換えるユーザーがたくさんいるはずです。7 votes -
Keep images "as it is" in dark mode
Keep images "as it is" in dark mode (kinda like how foxit reader does), its hard to toggle dark mode switch on and off to view a diagram bcos the diagram/image also gets color inverted in dark mode.
Please make an option to include or not include images in dark mode:)5 votes -
Add bookmark
Please add a feature to add bookmark in iOS device as this feature is also available in android devices also. It would be of great help while navigating in iPad across PDFs having large number of pages.
9 votes -
6 votes
Output Preview on iOS
Enabling output preview on iOS would allow files to be inspected for proper print production setup on iPhones an iPads.
It would be beneficial to be able to check the color separations for files that include spot colors.
4 votes -
Right to left language support please.
Not able to view PDFs from right to left please add this viewing option like you have on desktop.
3 votes -
3 votes
Possibility to switch between pdf’s with a simple swipe to left/right. Like on the app folder(apple)
6 votes -
Enable highlight on reading mode/liquid mode
I need a way to highlight sentences when I use the reading mode or the liquid mode on the ipad. Same goes for the laptop.
13 votes -
Word selection in reading mode for copy/highlight/define
In reading mode we are unable to select a word in order to copy/highlight/define that word. That feature would be great in reading mode as well. Its a bit bummer that the feature is available in normal mode but not in reading mode.
4 votes -
Measurement tool for pdf blueprints
I would like the ability to take scale measurements on pdf blueprints.
7 votes -
i need to be able to access pdf files on a sharepoint site with my iPad.
Please add Sharepoint as an allowed location from which we can save or download pdf files in Adobe PDF editor for iPad. All my work files are on SharePoint, and not being able to access them makes my iPad very difficult to use as a laptop replacement.
9 votes -
Some types of PDF files can only open on laptop
PDF application files from the government of Canada (USA and others) can’t be opened on Adobe PDF Reader on an iphone or ipad (even with latest software update). Screenshot is attached. I'm using iPhone XR, iPhone 11 Pro Max and iPad Pro 2020 with latest iOS and iPadOS version.
Please fix it for us as it's very important for users to have a smooth experience throughout the platforms. Adobe is a huge corporation, you guys can obviously do it because it's your company's product. I'm very disappointed because this problem has been there for years. I had to buy a…
3 votes -
rotate the document
if the document was scanned upside down -or horizontally, how am I supposed to read it?
3 votes -
Need Sharepoint access in Acrobat reader on ipad
Need Sharepoint access in Acrobat reader on ipad
12 votes -
4 votes -
2 votes -
Liquid Mode to work with tagged PDFs exported from InDesign
Adobe Reader's new Liquid Mode is a superb feature that works with PDFs exported from Microsoft Office. Unfortunately, it currently does not work with tagged PDFs exported from Adobe's own product, InDesign. This is a serious flaw, especially when so many important documents (ie: public sector) are created in and exported from Adobe InDesign.
5 votes
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