313 results found
Please add Tabs for viewing multiple documents
Since I exclusively use my iPad for study purposes, there are lots of pdf's I have to work on at the same time. Ability to open multiple pdf's in tabs at the same time would be very beneficial for me rather than having to go back and open another document.
The feature is available in windows so why not make it available in ios too. :)227 votes -
Two page view
PDFs can be viewed in two pages as on PC or android version of the app
87 votes -
iPad Air 2 Acrobat Reader APP Lags A Lot
Lag Updating and scrolling through pdfs on iPad Air 2 after updates are accomplished. Takes a long time for the pdfs to load then after loading, the pdfs are opened to read and take a long response time to scroll through the pages.
54 votes -
Password reset for protected files
Password reset for protected PDFs
52 votes -
Dark theme in Liquid Mode
A dark mode for liquid would make it perfect to consume content in low light conditions
43 votes -
PDF From right to left
All English books are read from left to right. In Arabic it’s opposite. But Acrobat doesn’t allow flipping the pages from right to left. Kindly, allow this option.33 votes -
Multiple tab for simultaneous document opening.
Allow tab type opening of multiple PDF documents on ipad iphone.
Working with multiple documents becomes easier.
Feature is available for windows.27 votes -
I can't change the direction of the spread for iOS version
It is good to be able to make a spread, but it is very difficult to see when browsing books because the direction of the spread cannot be changed.
25 votes -
Retrace viewing history
In essence, this is to replicate something found in the desktop app. From the online documentation:
“Retrace your viewing path
You can find PDF pages that you viewed earlier by retracing your viewing path. It’s helpful to understand the difference between previous and next pages and previous and next views.
Previous and next pages refer to two adjacent pages, before and after the currently active page.
Previous and next view refer to your viewing history. For example, if you jump forward and backward in a document, your viewing history retraces those steps, showing you the pages you viewed in the…24 votes -
Show use of layers
It would be so handy if you’ld make the option for viewing layers within the PDF possible. It’s a feature in Acrobat on computers and would be much appreciated in the app as I use multi-layered PDF’s for work all the time (making them on a PC in Illustrator and saving them as PDF, but for presentations elsewhere I use my iPad, but then miss the opportunity to show the full range of the multi-layered PDF).Thanks in advance, Kris
23 votes -
Include a measure feature on the mobile app
22 votes -
21 votes
Remember page location in Liquid Mode
Right now, it is not remembered that:
1. A PDF file was viewed in Liquid Mode - pdf should return to liquid mode if it was last viewed as liquid mode.
2. The page location when file was last viewed with liquid mode.This, on top of the lack of dark mode for liquid mode, makes it very unpractical to use, since liquid modes are usually used to long-form papers for me. This is a feature that exists in all the other modes, so should apply to liquid mode too.
20 votes -
want to see the page size of the document in Mobile or Ipad
want to see the page size of the document that I are viewing in Mobile or Ipad
18 votes -
18 votes
Document Properties: Cannot view page size/dimension
Adobe Acrobat Reader is great, but unlike the Mac or Windows app, I'm unable to get the app to display the document dimensions.
For example, when I try to view an A3 document, it's shrunk to what looks like letter size document on the screen. There is no control to zoom in or out, or to see the document at the actual size.
Also, when I try to print the file, there's no way to select the document size if I have tabloid paper in the tray.
18 votes -
Enable support for multiple instances of adobe reader in iPadOS
iPad OS allows apps to be opened in more than one instance. This is different to the open request for tabs support. Multiple instances of an app is supported by the OS, and it allows two instances of adobe to be open side by side in split screen mode. It also allows for adobe to be open full screen whilst additionally having another instance open in slide over.
Very useful, saves us from having to close a document, open another one to check something, and then having to reopen the initial document. Allows greater flexibility than just tab support as…
17 votes -
Make AI assistant available on and iPad and also work on scanned documents.
I use AI Assistant on my Mac Studio and my iPhone, but for some reason, it is not available for an iPad. It would be much more helpful on the larger device. Also, AI Assistant does not yet work on scanned documents. This is a huge setback for anyone downloading court files and other important documents that have been scanned.
16 votes -
Dark mode in liquid mode
There should be an option for dark mode in liquid mode also.
16 votes -
My iPad is up to date and so is my Adobe Reader app and it crashes as soon as I attempt to open the app. It will not do anything.
16 votes
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