313 results found
1 vote
1 vote
Please provide a “refresh” button for pdfs read from cloud
If I have open a pdf, from the cloud(google drive/document cloud/OneDrive etc), on two different devices(iPad & PC), and if I save(to the cloud) the changes made to the file on one of the devices it’s open in, there should be a refresh button to reload the file from the cloud on the other device I’m viewing it in. This is more seamless than coming out of the pdf and then clicking on it again to reload it and view the changes on the other device.
3 votes -
No screen dimming
It would be nice if the screen did not dim or go off when viewing a document on the iOS app. The screen should stay on as long as a document is open.
1 vote -
Rename PDF From View
When viewing PDFs in Reader, it would be ideal to have the option to rename the file without being required to exit the file and view the files list and go through the process of renaming the file from there.
10 votes -
1 vote
Gesture page turning
For musicians especially drummers, when reading music sheets while playing instruments, both hands & feet are occupied, it’s hard to turn a page forward and backward, it’d be nice to add a feature that turning the page left or right by the camera detecting turning the head left or right accordingly. Some apps are available but do not work well.
1 vote -
can i set up autoscrolling with a repeat,
can i set up autoscrolling with a repeat,
1 vote -
Last read page on a pdf for iPad air
While reading a pdf book in adobe reader in iPad air3, it does not remember the last views. For example if I left reading on page 55, next time when I open the page it starts at beginning.
2 votes -
Screen brightness lock is absent on IOS IPad unlike Android.Please include that.
Screen brightness lock on IPad
1 vote -
I’m not able to search text
I’m not able to search any text from the find tab
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Multi-Window support for iPadOS
Using more than one window with adobe acrobat reader to eliminate switching between pdf files
6 votes -
Bring eyes friendly background color in reading mood please like sepia and also the keep iPhone awake while reading option.
Bring eyes friendly background color in reading mood please like sepia and also the keep iPhone awake while reading option.
6 votes -
Allow opening PDF from pasted or typed URL
There doesn’t seem to be anywhere in the app to type / paste in a URL in order to view a PDF from the internet.
For example, try viewing (without first downloading in another app): https://prd-tnm.s3.amazonaws.com/StagedProducts/Maps/USTopo/PDF/WA/WA_Kirkland_20200311_TM_geo.pdf
2 votes -
Ability to view two pages at once in landscape mode
I have a Michigan Fishing Maps Guide Book PDF and I’d like to be able to see both left and right page, as if it were a book in my hand. Many of the pages have maps that i have to switch between pages to see both sides of the lake map
1 vote -
Please add Tabs for viewing multiple documents
Since I exclusively use my iPad for study purposes, there are lots of pdf's I have to work on at the same time. Ability to open multiple pdf's in tabs at the same time would be very beneficial for me rather than having to go back and open another document.
The feature is available in windows so why not make it available in ios too. :)227 votes -
one time password to open only
Sometimes we share files with others as proposals. Like a lessor to a lessee for a lease proposal. It can be a new business proposal etc. It may include sensitive data for a meeting which may change in the future. During covid times we are all negotiating. So if an option exists which shares passwords for just one time viewing we can send files which the other party may not be able to use after the call it will help. It will help the user to share file just once & then it expires. It means not being able to…
1 vote -
Zoom out with padding on sides
It would be great if you could use the pinch to zoom feature to zoom out further than the current setting on iOS. Right now, it will fit to screen width and this can be too big when the tablet is in landscape mode.
4 votes -
Adobe PDF Reader for Samsung Smart TV
For some reason, there are no PDF readers or viewers for Samsung Smart TVs. This creates frustrating limitations when using the Smart TV internet browser for researching information. Please consider providing a PDF reader for Samsung and other smart TVs. Thank you for allowing us to comment.
11 votes -
Not download in PDF file
No download PDF file in any side
1 vote
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