54 results found
7 votes
App Disappearing
The app is disappearing on the screen. I can only see it in search. I’m using the iPhone X
6 votes -
I can not open PDF documents created in the last two years following the March 2019 update. I use an iPhone X with updated updates to date
I can not open PDF documents created in the last two years following the March 2019 update. I use an iPhone X with updated updates to date
6 votes -
What happened to all of my information that I saved on Adobe prior to update?
I had updated the Adobe reader and now everything that I saved is no longer available to me. How do I recover the information in which I saved?
3 votes -
I can no longer create signatures or sign documents in AR.
10 votes -
1 vote
Comments disappear on PDF when I send in email
I have to fill out PDF forms for work multiple times a day. But when I send them in an email the recipient can't see any of the comments or signatures. When I pull it up on my iPhone or iPad it shows the comments and signature I entered. I have been doing the same process for over a year and just recently ran into this issue. It's really frustrating because I can't get paid unless these forms are sent correctly.
1 vote -
Cannot convert to PowerPoint
I purchased the app to be able to convert to PowerPoint, this option isn’t present in the drop down menu , I have EXCEL, WORD , and rich text formula only .
If this issue can’t be solved, please cancel my purchase and I will purchase the Windows version of the app.
Thank you6 votes -
8 votes
7 votes
Have 2 forms of Acrobat on I pad, need to delete one. How? Which one?
New user here. Don’t know anything about either form. Just want to look at photos sent to me. Help. Is there a cost to drop box?
1 vote -
Missing end
When I down load from drop box the last lines are missing n mydocunt
4 votes -
Ios11 - needs update to work with ios 11?
Not sure why but it says latest update does not work with ios11? I have just update the app today and still not working. Pls help. Thank you.
8 votes -
4 votes
Incorrect conversion to PDF (world,Excel)
Incorrect conversion to PDF (world,Excel) I Want payback
5 votes -
Search failure
I saved a pdf document beginning with 4 characters “Lesl”. Searching for these 4 characters fails every time. I restored it to Acrobat from Google Drive and its on the list of recently opened files and it is intact. When I search for it, it’s still not there! New since last update, for sure, I search for this file all the time.
5 votes -
4 votes
4 votes
3 votes
filled out the form is not showing content after sharing
I filled out the pdf, but when I try to share or send to someone it is not showing the content :/
8 votes
- Don't see your idea?