3D PDF on iPad and iPhone
I use 3D PDF to comunicate my ideas with the people I work with. Often they check their mail on iPhone or iPad, but they can’t see the 3D content of the PFD-files I created.
I know that we could save alot of time if the 3D content of PDF’s were more videly avalible.

Dan S commented
I need my clients to view 3D packaging mock-ups. It’s frustrating to be unable to view it on the go on mobile.
robby d stafford commented
my stuff
AdminBill (Admin, Adobe) commented
Acrobat can view PDF files as well as some other types of common image formats and office documents. Do you know what kind of file you are trying to view? Most file types are identified by the 3 characters after the period in the file name. For example: book.pdf is a PDF file.
Don commented
My architect sent me 3D views of a plan that I can’t view. Would be useful to be able to view and move on the iPad.
Anonymous commented
Comment activer la vue 3D dans l’application IOS Acrobat?
Anonymous commented
I work in the packaging industry, and our files get approved via emailed PDFs.