Standard and Full Range highlight colors as a means of accessibility
I need to use the mobile app to read and markup my research lit reviews on the go. I have used the desktop app (I have the cc subscription) just for that for years now and annoyingly, the highlight color does not match. The desktop app has a mustard yellow color as standard and the mobile app limits the color range of yellow to a bright fluorescent yellow that bothers the eyes, especially if you’re starting at screens all day. My docs now have two color highlights from interchanging use of devices. I have to manually go onto the desktop app on my Mac and change all the fluorescent to the mustard, which really means clicking every single thing I highlighted and repeatedly opening the command to change to color, which I have to find and save the hex code for since it doesn't recognize that it has a default color. I have to read and mark over hundreds of pages each day and this kills my workflow and adds unnecessary editing for something stupidly simple. This matters because not only do I have sensitive eyes, but my research director who advises and reviews these mark-uped docs is partially color blind – the color is too bright for his sight to register.
Either update the mobile app to allow for the same exact color as it defaults to on the desktop app (no brainer, short-term solution), or like one of the comments below suggests, allow for a better user experience where the command to change the highlight color is easier and open to all color preferences (thoughtful, long-term solution). Currently you can't even add a custom color via color code in the mobile app, only the desktop.