Bring back the original features
Hey Adobe guys,
Please please please, return to the original Adobe reader, your new release is absolutely horrible, it’s terrible, it doesn’t have half the features that the old one did, and most of our guys have deleted it off their phones and iPads because it just will not do what it is supposed to do, and what it did previously, and are now using an opposition programs like Nitro, which still has all the features we need and use almost on a daily basis.
We need to be able to fill in forms via the app either on iPhone or iPad, and then send the completed, and flattened, report back to the clients. We cannot share the file, it must be a separate file that is flattened and completed, so no alterations can be made to this legal document.
Why is it we can no longer do this via iPhone or iPad?
We need to be able to reopen the original file (adobe Document) for any alterations that we make on a return visits and the results are now different to the previous result, so again we must be able to altar the document in its original format and then again send that flattened file onto the client, which then becomes their official document, while the original document will remain or does remain with us and is still able to be edited by us at any time.
We need to be able to resend original documents and all files and we must be able to send these from the app or the iPhone or the iPad when we are on on site at a clients property, but we are currently not able to do this.
Your app only allows to share, we cannot allow an editable copy to be shared to the clients, it must be flattened, but again there is no way that we can even save a flat and copy and then send this song, as again there is no option other than to share.
We need to be able to somehow sort all of our documents into some sort of order, not the jumbled mess it is now.
Please look at all the comments that have been made about Adobe acrobat as an app, listen to what a lot of other people have said, as I have read a lot of comments and a lot of them are valid and also points, discussion features that we are missing and would love to see come back.
I would love to have a reply from you people as to when some of these features will return, And it would be great to be able to have some sort of timeline, so that we don’t all currently jump ship from Adobe Acrobat

Acrobat 18.12.00 (released on December 14, 2018) brought back the "Share Flattened Copy" option.
However, I do agree that this option is hard for the users to discover. Besides, it does not provide the option ("Share Original Document" vs. "Share Flattened Copy") for _each_ "Share a Copy" operation. It's not a great user experience.
We are looking into improving the Share user interface and usability in future releases.
Thank you for the feedback.