Read Mode default
I was asked to create a document in such a way that when it gets passed along it opens in Read Mode instead of with the comment, fill &sign and more tools panel open. Apparently that can't be done.

Thanks for reaching out to us.
Looks like you do not wish to see the Right hand taskpane when you open PDF’s.
Please reach out to this link on steps how you can achieve this :
Let me know if that solves your purpose.
Ayush Jain
Brad Gillies commented
No that is not what users want.
What we need, since we process thousands of pdf files to users daily, is for the file to open in "READ MODE" (CTRL-H if you want to invoke after already open)
We need this to be the default (or give us an option to set it to default) to get rid of the useless clutter so we just have the pdf presented in a readable format.
Every one of our users is met with dialog boxes to start a tour or messages or tool bars they cannot even use which just clutter things up.
We need a bare bones reader. Period. Read and print the pdf