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Acrobat for Windows and Mac

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UserVoice is a third-party platform for product feedback. The Adobe Acrobat DC team regularly reviews ideas and incorporates them into product planning discussions. We can’t guarantee specific features or development timelines, but we read every suggestion and respond where we can. Please note that feedback is voluntary, and if you provide feedback, you give Adobe the right to use it without restrictions.

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Acrobat for Windows and Mac



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10 results found

  1. Please implement a simple color menu which could be prompted by hovering over the icon and from which we can select various colors for the highlighter.

    6 votes

    Adobe Acrobat and Reader official update (21.001.20135) containing the fix for this issue is now available. Color Swatch is introduced to change Annot color easily and can be used for Highlight , Underline , Strikethrough and Caret Type of Annotations. Also find attachment for the glimpse of feature.
    This update will be automatically pushed to all existing installations of Acrobat and Reader. You may also manually trigger the update early by opening the application and going to Help > Check for Updates.
    More information about this release is here:
    Please try it out and let us know your feedback!
    Thanks for your patience and support!

  2. Each Windows program can copy, cut and paste pages from thumbnail view - within a document. Only Adobe not! Adobe uses the mouse for that! Why? Please activate copy & paste again!

    1 vote
  3. I use Adobe in construction to review the plans in pdf format. Many times when I need to extract the sheet that our scope of work falls under an error comes us saying please enter a valid page range. Instead of simply being able to extract the page I have to delete all the extra pages I don't need. This is time consuming and does not always work. There are times when having to take this route Adobe says some pages were not removed and I have to save, close Adobe, then open the doc again to be able to…

    3 votes
  4. In the next versions Acrobat could give the possibility to choose the color of the pen of highlighting of text, already in the choice of the tool. Maybe clicking and following would open a color palette so the user could choose the highlight color.

    6 votes

    Adobe Acrobat and Reader official update (21.001.20135) containing the fix for this issue is now available. Color Swatch is introduced to change Annot color easily and can be used for Highlight , Underline , Strikethrough and Caret Type of Annotations. Also find attachment for the glimpse of feature.
    This update will be automatically pushed to all existing installations of Acrobat and Reader. You may also manually trigger the update early by opening the application and going to Help > Check for Updates.
    More information about this release is here:
    Please try it out and let us know your feedback!
    Thanks for your patience and support!

  5. Should have an option to enable the user to copy paste or duplicate a page in thumbnail view. For example, I make a blank pg in a pdf file which I should be able to copy-paste/duplicate, as a blank page, in between the desired pages of the pdf.

    1 vote
  6. Is there a way to disable the floating icon?
    The recent release introduced this feature. I don't find it useful at all, it always in my ways while I was doing the editing. It would be nice to be able to disable this feature.

    3 votes
  7. I need to change highlight colors based on the different significance of the text, but I need to select different colors from the properties menu. It really takes a lot a time, can you make a button to change colors more efficiently on the viewing page?

    17 votes

    Adobe Acrobat and Reader official update (21.001.20135) containing the fix for this issue is now available. Color Swatch is introduced to change Annot color easily and can be used for Highlight , Underline , Strikethrough and Caret Type of Annotations. Also find attachment for the glimpse of feature.
    This update will be automatically pushed to all existing installations of Acrobat and Reader. You may also manually trigger the update early by opening the application and going to Help > Check for Updates.
    More information about this release is here:
    Please try it out and let us know your feedback!
    Thanks for your patience and support!

  8. I need to change highlight colors based on the different significance of the text, but I need to select different colors from the properties menu. It really takes a lot a time, can you make a button to change colors more efficiently on the viewing page?

    10 votes

    Adobe Acrobat and Reader official update (21.001.20135) containing the fix for this issue is now available. This update will be automatically pushed to all existing installations of Acrobat and Reader. You may also manually trigger the update early by opening the application and going to Help > Check for Updates.
    More information about this release is here:
    Please try it out and let us know your feedback!
    Thanks for your patience and support!


  9. I want turn off automatic OCR when I go to edit a scan. Really slowing my project down having to revert to image on every page when all I need to do is rotate pages on the old documents I'm working on.

    28 votes
    Implemented  ·  Bilal Ansari responded

    With the latest release, we have added a checkbox that will turn off the automatic OCR.

    1. Open any scanned pdf.
    2. Go to Edit PDF.
    3. Wait for OCR to complete.
    4. On the right hand pane, uncheck the “Recognize text” option. (Alternatively, if you see a button ‘Revert to Image’, click on it).

    This will turn off the auto-OCR feature. Now, Acrobat will not run OCR automatically. Acrobat remembers this setting so that you do not have to uncheck it again.

    Let us know if this helps.
    For more information about this, visit

  10. When I try to edit a PDF in Acrobat DC it crashes every single time. I have uninstalled, restarted, reinstalled, ran fix the install, made sure protected view was off, made sure it was activated with Adobe distiller. I have tried everything on this page. In January was no problem??

    1 vote
    Implemented  ·  amukherj responded

    Correct status should be ‘Implemented’. ‘Resolved’ is used when we resolve a customer’s concern without making any changes in the software.

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