997 results found
Add multi tabs
Add the ability to open multiple PDF files or multiple instance of the application (for have two or more PDF side by side).
It would be very useful.
750 votes -
Include read aloud
It would be great if you can add the read aloud feature on the android version of adobe reader.
475 votes -
Mobile responsive PDFs
Make PDFs created on desktop mobile responsive so that mobile users don't have to zoom in and out of documents when viewing on android. This will improve user experience and drive adoption of Adobe Acrobat for Android.
399 votes -
288 votes
Copy text in read mode
Hi! It's not possible to copy the text in read mode. I think it's necessary the possibility to copy text.
For example, I'm french and when I read an English book or text, I would like copy text and the pop up of Google translate appears.
280 votes -
Dictionary should be included in AR. Whenever we select a word along with copy share options MEANING OPTION should be there.
Dictionary is a very important tool, and in pdf readers its necessity increases.
When we select a word ,along with other option meaning option should also be there. Or the brief meaning should marquee on the header of the page. This is important cause ,a reader needs to shift to other dictionary apps and sometimes forgets in what context he was searching for it. And again and again it becomes a hectic menace. Reading would become a log more easier with this new feature. And even complex literature could be read and ASSIMILATED wigh ease.241 votes -
240 votes
There should be in-app PDF rotation feature
The PDF can be rotated using mobile's auto rotation sensor. This auto rotation feature consumes battery as processor keeps taking data from gyrosensor. You can provide in-app feature to manually rotate a page or complete PDF clockwise or anticlockwise without the need of Mobile's own sensor.
In night mode, black and white mixture gives eye paining contrast. Can't you provide golden yellowish background or give user manual control to set page colour and amount of white-wash to reduce the contrast.I have been waiting for this in each update.
212 votes -
PDF dimensions
I wish there was an easy way to get the dimensions (height, length and resolution) of a given PDF easily with the android app.
I've just spent an hour trying to figure how, it just doesn't exist as if now.
184 votes -
I want to refer multiple pdfs while reading....and i am not able to do that because the previously opened doc has to close for a new one to
want to refer multiple pdfs while reading....and i am not able to do that because the previously opened doc has to close for a new one to open
127 votes -
Delete option
Need delete option for outdated and no longer needed files, etc.
90 votes -
Remove Liquid Mode
Please remove Liquid Mode.
Liquid Mode looks awful, it doesn't function properly, and it constantly nags for me to use it. I will never want to use Liquid Mode because it breaks formatting, it displays charts and equations incorrectly, and it's visually appalling. Furthermore, it constantly asks me to try it out (regardless of if I have already done so), but why would I want to use a broken feature?
Liquid Mode violates the whole philosophy behind pdf, which is to bake every aspect of a document's formatting into the file format so that it will display properly on any…
89 votes -
I would like to be able to save files and pdf to my sd card and not device storage. I have over 60 gb free on my sd card. My phone is almost completely full. Please consider this. Thank you.
86 votes -
Opening 3D pdf (Interactive 3D pdf with animation) on Android / iOS devices.
3D pdf works fine with PC, however we cannot open it on any Android or Apple phone/tab.
can we implement this in mobile version of adobe reader?Tetra4D has an App that can open 3D pdfs created using tetra4D converter & opening in Adobe pro.
86 votes -
Disable AI on Mobile
On the mobile app, the AI assistant button takes up an inordinately large amount of space on the screen and cannot be disabled, even though I do not and will never use it.
Please add an option to remove it.
78 votes -
Need to open pdf files in my gmail
Please suggest how to open pdf files in my gmsil
73 votes -
Adobe Liquid Mode Dark Mode
The Liquid Mode Reader should have an option of a dark mode (white text on black or dark gray background)
For obvious reasons, easier to read, less blue light emission, and better for your phones battery
68 votes -
Please add highlighting feature in Liquid Mode
Please add HIGHLIGHTING and DARK MODE features in Adole Liquid Mode ! Lack of those capabilities is a big hindrance in use of this superb mode.
59 votes -
Night Mode version
Night mode version is to reduce bright light that causes glaring view when using pdf in dark. It is important to protect the eye. Much thanks if PDF can do night mode version.
55 votes -
50 votes
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